We have a confession to make: book marks as a marketing tool are pretty cheap. I mean very, very inexpensive. They're small; they're simple; they're easy to manufacture. And yet they are something of a status item, simply because they are associated with books and books are associated with learning and educated people like to think of themselves as possessing a certain amount of status. This is why book marks have been used as marketing tools for so long: if you can associate your product with status, then certain people will want to do business with you. It's all somewhat subliminal, but it nevertheless is true. We don't think that there's really much you can do to make cheap bookmarks look expensive, as though they cost a great deal of money. All you can do is use color and imagery which imitates the idea of wealth. Using a color pattern which evokes fine wood is one approach; another would be using gold or silver trim. These approaches will give the desired impression, of course, but the effect is limited simply because no one could possibly believe that there is any real money in the item. You are left with imagery and font, and various ways to manipulate text. Here's an example of the latter: some people like to put telephone numbers in this format: 1.805.225.3409 as opposed to the more normal way of 1-805-225-3409. If you use the periods instead of the dashes, you will give to some people the impression that your business is more high end. Why this is so is somewhat hard to understand, as from the point of view of pure functionality - the separation of number groupings - periods are the same as dashes. But amazingly, people don't see it that way. They think that the periods are a mark of refinement. Law firms are known to use the periods, and in some countries in Europe they are used. So that may be why people view them as a mark of sophistication. So we would recommend that if you need to put little touches on your book marks that give the appearance of refinement and sophistication - then you should put the dots in your telephone number instead of the dashes. And another idea along the same lines is to use simply the name of the city as your location. Many companies which do business worldwide put on their marketing materials just the names of the cities: London Paris Melbourne Los Angeles. If you have three locations in Virginia, you can do Richmond Lynchburg Emporia. Same idea. There are other ideas along the same line which we can explore, but perhaps those can be saved for another time. Contact Conquest Graphics today at their website for infor about how to improve the image of your bookmarks.
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