Getting divorced is a testing and trying time for anyone involved, not least your children. It's therefore important to attempt to keep it as stress free for them as you can. However important love and care is to your children's wellbeing, the fact is that the person who is granted custody of the children has to be in a position to house, feed and educate them and this means there has to be a sustained regular income. Minor children are those that are under the age of 18 and therefore until they reach the age of 18 need to be supported financially. Indeed, depending on their educational situation, they may need supporting beyond this age. Both parents are likely to have decided to have their children and, despite the fact that irreconcilable differences have meant they needed to divorce, they are both responsible for the children. If a divorced couple can make amicable arrangements about supporting the children financially then this is without doubt the best way forward. Unfortunately, all too often a court has to get involved, because one parent is too greedy or the other parent won't pay their way. Once a court is involved in working out the child support arrangements then it will look closely and carefully into the income and expenditure of both parents. The aim of the court is to ensure that the children can be supported properly and fairly and in this respect the court has a lot of power. Each parent's personal finances will be examined. Little account will be given by the court to parents whose outgoings are for unnecessary items. Any unnecessary amounts shown on the expenditure forms will be moved and given toward the support for the children as they are paramount as far as the court is concerned. Each parent will be left with enough to life on, but not so they can spend the money on items that are not essential to daily living. Once a court has made a decision on the amount of child support then the monies must be paid to the person who has been awarded custody on a timely basis. If a person is unable to make the payment then it is necessary for him or her to contact the other party and the court and explain their position. A court will review the amount that is needed for child support every now and again and has the powers to alter it should either parent's financial situation alter. This can be an increase or a decrease, depending on personal circumstances. A court also has the power to get the parents to purchase a life insurance policy, so that in the event of the death of either parent the children will still get the financial support they need. The parent's obligations are clear; the children have the right to expect to be looked after throughout their childhood lives and possibly beyond. Your divorce is not the fault of your children. Lawrence Reaves writes for Ephraim Law who is a divorce lawyer. Get more information here.
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