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Whatever decking material you choose by qi zhen

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Whatever decking material you choose by
Article Posted: 05/14/2012
Article Views: 188
Articles Written: 167
Word Count: 700
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Whatever decking material you choose

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In some situations, high winds can cause composite decking installed with clip systems to make a whistling sound. The whistle is caused by air moving rapidly under the deck, then up between the boards and across the board¹s installation clip grooves. For this reason, we recommend using Terratec Naturals Traditional deck boards in locations prone to high winds. Terratec Architectural boards can be used if steps are taken to prevent winds from flowing under the deck or through the deck boards. You can prevent wind from flowing under the deck by using solid fascia panels around the deck. You can also prevent wind from flowing up through the deck boards by using an under-deck system like DrySnap. Either approach will work. composite Lumber decking

Yes, all composite materials do expand and contract with temperature changes–in some cases a little more than some woods. To solve this issue, Terratec Naturals was developed as a building system using a combination of fixed-point pinning, Quick Clips and a patented G-Trim profile. The simple pinning process works in conjunction with the floating Quick Clip fasteners to direct expansion and contraction to the edge of the deck and into the G-Trim where it is hidden from view. Please refer to Terratec Naturals 1-2-3 easy installation guide for more details.

Terratec Naturals comes in Traditional and Architectural deck board styles. Traditional deck boards are for people who like the traditional method of installation using screws through the surface of the boards. Architectural deck boards use our patented Quick Clip fastener system, which hides the screws between the boards and helps to direct natural expansion and contraction to the edge of the deck and into the G-Trim where it is hidden from view.

Expansion/Contraction: Allow at least 5/16" minimum gap between sides of boards allowing for thermal expansion and water drainage. Gap end joints should be spaced allowing 1/16" for every 20 degree F difference between installation temperature and the hottest average temperature of your geographical area. However, a 1/16" minimum gap should always be present for expansion and drainage. Rhino Deck boards should be at least 45 degrees F at the time of installation. To prevent board ends from splitting, it is important to predrill so that you get a complete clearance hole. Holes need to be predrilled at an angle, which allow for the heads of the screws to be at least 5/8" away from the end of the board. Consult installation guide for drawings. Composite Floor

While redwood and cedar are attractive, as well as insect and weather resistant, pressure-treated lumber is also a good option. Another popular choice is re-cycled plastic fiber decking. Re-cycled plastic decking looks like wood, but is virtually impervious to weather and insects; it requires no wood deck stain or maintenance. Although this type material has adequate strength for decking, traditional lumber is required for the posts, box frame, and joists.

Whatever decking material you choose, there are several ways to secure it to the joists and box frame. Many DIY deck builders opt for traditional right angle installation; spanning the joists with decking boards running parallel to the house. However, this method of decking can allow the box frame to "rack" and move out of square; adding instability in the structure. This type problem can be offset by cross-bracing underneath the deck.

Building deck stairs from scratch can be a technical, time-consuming process. A stringer can be made using 2X12 redwood or pressure treated boards, notched to accommodate the step treads. The stringer should be sloped at an angle from the ground to the deck surface at 30 to 35-degrees.

The normal rise desirable on each step is 7-inches, with a step depth of 11-inches. Most local building codes require a minimum staircase width of at least 3-feet. However, code guidelines can vary, so check to see what the local guidelines are for your area.

If building your own deck steps sounds too technical, fear not! Pre-cut stringers can be purchased at most building supply outlets, and modified for your individual needs. In many cases, purchasing ready-made stringers is a more cost and time-effective option than trying to construct your own. outdoor deck board

Related Articles - Whatever decking material you choose, outdoor deck board,

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