While archaeological evidence dating back to 600AD has been unearthed telling us that the concept behind dental implants in Arizona is one that has been around for many, many centuries, the discovery that led to the design and perfection of a comprehensive solution for missing teeth in Arizona was made in 1951, by Swedish professor and orthopedic surgeon, Per-Ingvar BrÃ¥nemark (see picture below). The history of dental implants in Arizona is an interesting one: as it was mentioned, there is evidence that ancient civilizations made use of various materials such as bone, ivory, gold and sea shells to replace single and multiple teeth that had gone missing due to any of a myriad of causes, including physical trauma or decay. Of course, these replacements were more aesthetic than anything else, since there was nothing actually ‘rooting’ the bone or shell fragment in the underlying jaw bone and consequently, it would move around and fall out. However, a millennium and a half later, in 1951, a fundamental discovery by Professor Per-Ingvar Brånemark revealed that the concept of dental implants and a long-term solution to single and multiple missing teeth in Arizona was entirely possible!
Dental Implants in Arizona and the Discovery of Osseointegration
The discovery was that the metal titanium displayed the unique property of being able to form a strong biological bond with bone tissue; a process termed ‘osseointegration’. The professor immediately saw the incredible potential of titanium in orthopedic surgery in the reparation and replacement of bones and joints in the human body. This of course included using it to fabricate dental implants that would not only take the place of missing teeth in Arizona, but would actually fuse with the jaw bone to offer a long-term and fixed solution. Today, dental implants in Arizona represent perhaps the most important advancement in dental science and oral care to have been made in recent decades.
Dental Implants in Arizona: Modern Day Marvels
It was this fundamental discovery in 1951 that has made dental, and indeed, medical science capable of what it is today. So how do dental implants in Arizona work? Quite essentially, patient’s presenting with single or multiple missing teeth in Arizona are considered for the procedure. If there is sufficient bone volume at the site/s of the missing teeth, then the procedure is entirely straightforward and involves the careful placement of a tiny titanium fixture or screw – the artificial ‘tooth roots’ of dental implants in Arizona - into a predrilled socket. An aesthetic and functional ceramic crown is then affixed to the top of it, which is the component of the implant that will be visible above the gum line. In cases of previous tooth loss or advanced periodontal (gum) disease, the bone tissue in the jaw can atrophy or become deteriorated by bacterial infection, in which case bone grafting surgery may be required beforehand. This procedure augments and encourages the growth of new and healthy hard tissue that, once healed, will be able to support dental implants in Arizona.
A Final Note on Dental Implants in Arizona
A long history of important discoveries, clinical research and endless trials has enabled modern day dentists, such as Dr. Kevin Gasser, to provide a functional and aesthetic solution to single and multiple missing teeth in Arizona. Dental implants in Arizona are virtually indistinguishable from natural, healthy teeth, are non-removable (fixed) and are designed from high quality durable materials to last several decades, if not a lifetime!