Fist shaking, obscene gestures, shouted profanities, tailgating – Bradenton drivers have probably encountered one or all of these behaviors at some point on the road. Road rage continues to be a problem in cities from coast to coast. But a few motorists experience far more serious results from this ongoing issue: a car accident or even physical violence. If you’re behind the wheel, be aware of the dangers associated with extreme emotions. Being informed, whether you’re the victim or the angry driver can help you avoid needing to hire a Bradenton car accident attorney (or attorney to defend you). Every Bradenton driver has probably seen some form of volatile driving. But the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration notes that there is a difference between “road rage” and “aggressive driving.” In short, one is a traffic violation; the other is a criminal offense. The NHTSA defines road rage as “an assault with a motor vehicle or other dangerous weapon by the operator or passenger(s) of another motor vehicle or an assault precipitated by an incident that occurred on a roadway.” The key word here is assault – road rage means one driver is out to get another driver, passenger, or pedestrian. Needless to say, a driver who deliberately causes a car accident out of sheer malice is going to need more than anger management therapy; he or she is going to need an attorney. Aggressive driving, on the other hand, need not involve heightened emotion, but it can be just as deadly. Either way, attorneys know that if you’re the driver at fault in a car accident, you will be facing fines, lawsuits, and possibly jail. Driving in Bradenton or just about anywhere these days is a stressful activity. Traffic congestion, conflict, job, home life, or time constraints can all be factors that contribute to tense drivers behind the wheel, increasingly reckless vehicular behavior, and – sadly – car accidents. But a bit of effort on everybody’s part can make the roads a more courteous and safer place for drivers, passengers, and pedestrians. Many stress management techniques work just as well behind the wheel as they do at the office or at home. Slow, deep breaths; counting to ten; listening to quiet or soothing music; or diverting your attention from the offense are all ways to stem the tide of heightened emotion that leads to road rage. If you are the cause of provocation, do whatever you need to avoid prolonging the incident. If you suspect another driver is pursuing you or looking for a fight, call the Bradenton police. Whatever you do, don’t allow yourself to be pulled into a confrontation. Rather than get into an altercation or car accident, it’s always better to let a law enforcement official, insurance agent, or a Bradenton car accident attorney sort out who’s at fault. With thousands of attorneys in Florida, one of the first questions a car accident victim faces is whom to trust? Luhrsen Law Group is a family-oriented Bradenton law firm dedicated to helping accident victims receive justice and fair compensation. If you’re seeking a Bradenton car accident attorney, contact Luhrsen Law Group for legal representation. Call us today for a free consultation at 1-866-957-4878 (HURT) or visit our web site,, to learn more about our areas of specialization.
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