The process of treating in today's healthcare industry has changed. This is not related to the techniques or medical equipments being employed but the way information is collated for various purposes. The traditional way was to jot down all the data on papers and then arranging them in a file. These were then kept in a storage room along with hundreds of other such similar documents. To keep the electronic medical record of the different patients individually in this paper-based system was something of a task. Its true test would occur when one needed a specific file of a patient who might have visited the vicinity years back. Locating such information obviously will take considerable time and there is always a possibility of misplacing or losing the file. This may lead to different kinds of difficulties especially in times of exigencies. The modern way is to use information technology for storing all kind of medical data. The entire process is simple and one can store huge amount of data for infinite period. Accessing such information is as simple as drinking water from a glass provided the user knows the basic usage of a computer and has undergone a training to use electronic health record system. Their impact is quite visible at the time of emergencies when critical information such as allergies, blood group, past health problems is needed quickly. One doesn't have the leverage of going to a storage room and search for the required file containing such details. Now this is a system where one can just enter the name, age, sex, demography of an individual to get the entire information regarding the patient's medical history within seconds. The information can be exchanged with others in case a patient visits a different healthcare facility than the previous one. This not only eases the extra burden from the shoulders of healthcare providers but also spares people from carrying numerous files regarding their health record with them every time they visit a doctor. Yasasii is comprehensive Electronic Health Record maintenance software designed for all types of medical facilities in different settings providing user-friendly interface designed by highly experienced and leading software architects. The simplicity, in implementing and of usage of the system, in turn helps in unraveling the complexities of daily operations and eliminating concerns like infectious diseases that may arise due to some interaction. The ease of use coupled with Decision Support System and Knowledge Management System simplify and reduce the work of healthcare providers, improve work flow, minimizing clinical errors, plugging leakages and increasing overall staff productivity. If you are looking for Computerized physician order entry or healthcare information system systems then contact
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