“There were 222 cases and 17 outbreaks of the measles in the United States last year, more than four times the usual annual rate, U.S. health authorities reported Thursday”, HealthDay Reporter Amanda Gardner writes. Gardner quotes the director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Dr. Anne Schuchat’s words during an official statement: “In 2011, we had the most number of reported measles in the U.S. in 15 years.” “In the prior decade, an average of 60 cases and four outbreaks were reported annually. As of last Friday, CDC had received reports of 27 cases of measles for 2012, though “it is too soon in the year to know whether this year will be as bad or worse than last year,” said Schuchat, who spoke at a news conference on Thursday. The highly infectious illness seems to be making an unexpected comeback. Measles was declared eliminated in 2000 after public health measures successfully interrupted the transmission of disease from person-to-person in the United States. The disease is still endemic in many other parts of the world, however”, Gardner continues. “In fact, 200 of the 222 U.S. cases in 2011 were related to foreign travel, with 72 of the cases emerging in people who had recently traveled abroad, more than half of them to Europe, which has experienced its own explosion in the disease in recent years.Of the 196 U.S. residents who had measles in 2011, 166 were unvaccinated or didn’t know if they’d been vaccinated, although 141 were eligible to be vaccinated, the CDC report found”, Gardner finishes. Considered as one of the many deathly plagues to have ever hit the US, the measles has taken thousands of lives of innocent people from when it first struck. Even now, after some years of medical and technological advancement, the measles still creeps its way towards the bodies of most Americans. Indeed, advanced drugs are not enough – what should be done is to know how the right foods to include in their personal healthy food list and in thinking of healthy easy recipes that can heighten the pleasure of the eating experience. Much like any other illness, the measles can be countered with the mere act of eating healthy on a budget. By chomping on foods rich in key vitamins and minerals, the body can build up a resistance that can effectively counter such troublesome disease like measles. Not to mention, they can also be able to save some money as healthy foods are generally on the caring side when it comes to the family’s budget. More at http://theseedexperience.com
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