Invisible mending means to repair the cloths that get damaged due to some type of mis happening like cigarette burns, caught on the edge of table, in bicycle or due to other reasons. Invisible mending hides the affected areas of your cloths and make them look like new ones. People generally mend the torn cloths by hand and with sewing machine. The mending done by hand involves various stitching techniques that require a good quality needle and matching thread or cloth. Here are few basic stitching techniques that will help you to do mending if you don't have sewing machine. Once you get to know about these basic stitches and where they can be used you can decide what works best for you. Straight Stitch – It is the basic stitch and used most of the time in invisible mending. This stitching technique is used if you are sewing two pieces of cloth. You would stitch by pushing the needle from the front to the back of material. Sewing is done in the straight line but if you are not able to do it straight, mark with pencil or chalk and do stitching on the lined area. Length of stitches depend upon the material of your fabric but it is preferable to do short length stitches. Basting Stitch – This stitch is similar to straight stitch but the length of stitches is longer. It is used for temporary attachment of fabrics and also for gauging. Gauging is the technique in which a knot is given at the one end of thread and then pulled from the other end to make frills. Zig-Zag Stitch – In zig zag , stitches are done in Z shape that are useful in stretchable fabrics. For this type of stitching, start with straight stitch but instead of keeping the line straight you will make one stitch straight and draw back in a Z shape. Hem Stitch – This stitch is not visible in the front and there are different techniques of hemming stitching like catch, slip, overcast and invisible stitches. It is your decision that how much you want your stitch to be invisible or visible. For invisible mending of cloths most widely used technique is hem stitching. These are the some basic stitches that are done by hand to mend the cloths also you can used trendy patches, matching fabric covered buttons to hide the scratch and holes in clothes. These trendy patches are available in market where you can purchase them. Also you can purchase or create fabric covered buttons at home. You just need few things to create them that can be purchased from local art and craft store.
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