Many people in South Florida who see a plastic surgeon have great results and are satisfied with the work. Whether they have had a face lift, liposuction, breast implants, or another of the many services offered by a South Florida plastic surgeon, a majority of those who do the research and follow all the procedures correctly end up happy with the results. A few, however, make significant mistakes that end with negative results. Here are some things to keep in mind: 1. Research your plastic surgeon. Ask questions, but also make sure that your South Florida plastic surgeon is certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery (ABPS). Members of the ABPS have very rigorous standards to meet and uphold, and statistically, the surgeries performed by ABPS members also tend to have fewer complications. Have a discussion with your potential South Florida plastic surgeon not only about what you desire to have done, but also about his or her education, experience, certification, and success stories. Most will be glad to ease your mind, unless they have something to hide. 2. Be willing to change. If you are going to a South Florida plastic surgeon for a procedure that contours your body in a certain way, such as a procedure that lifts drooping breasts, you will need to maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle in order to sustain the results. 3. Don't have unrealistic expectations. Plastic surgery can improve the way you look, but you may not look like a model or your favorite Hollywood star. A few years ago, a couple of teenage boys had surgery in order to look like Brad Pitt. The results were, of course, unsuccessful. We each have unique features with which we should grow accustomed and look our best, rather than trying to look like someone else. 4. Be realistic. The best way to stay fit and improve your appearance is through diet and exercise. Liposuction and tummy tucks cannot prevent you from gaining weight again after the procedure. 5. Think it through. Before you make the decision to have plastic surgery, seriously consider the long-term effects of your decision. Don't just do it based on an impulse. Be open and ready to discuss your decision with your South Florida plastic surgeon. 6. Don’t hide anything from your South Florida plastic surgeon about your health history in fear that he or she won't allow the procedure. Hiding possible risk factors can lead to serious complications during the surgery itself for which you alone will be liable due to your lack of full disclosure. For more information visit :
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