While shooting to make a database for your stock photos its important that you know your subjects well. Make sure that your subjects have the best expressions on their faces if they are living. Pets and animals form the best subjects while you have just started to build your stock photography database. As these photographs are quite saleable and will surely fetch a high price once you have find the right customer for your photographs. While clicking images of pets its important that you keep some major points in mind to get that awesome piece of art that will hold the interest of the onlookers for a long time. Make sure that you have the right lighting in place as lighting can make or break the photographs that you are clicking. Improper lighting has many an ill effects on the final images of the photographs. The red eye effect comes out of improper lighting and will give the subject a possessed look thus marring the natural effect that would have been there on the image. To get the optimum look out of your photographs you need to avoid using the camera's flash if you really need a flash you need to get an off-camera flash so that it does not reflect on your pet's eyes directly. Try and use natural light instead and avoid direct sunlight whenever or wherever possible. If shooting with your pet is not possible outdoors make sure you place your pet near a window from where ample of light is coming in. Make sure you avoid fluorescent or tungsten light that distort the pets natural colors. Positioning of the pet while clicking is of utmost importance. For that you may have to lie down to come at the angle of your pet or place your pet on a raised platform or a perch. Ask someone to hold your pet high enough to get the desired angle and later you can edit the person on a computer. The positioning does pay rich dividends in the long run in terms of stock photography. Make sure you capture the most natural moments of your pets. This will go a long way in capturing the true personality of your pet on the image that will reflect the true color of your pet. Know the taste of your pet and offer the thing he likes most or something that flashes a smile on his face. That’s your moment go ahead and click your pet at that very moment. Keep your cool and patience as yelling and getting angry at the pet while photographing is not going to yield anything than a pissed off pose from your pet. Know your pet's taste and make sure he or she is in the right frame of mind while you click the photograph. Reward your pet once he or she has given you an awesome pose and take care you make your pet know at the end of the photo session that this has been the most awesome photo shoot ever. This sounds ridiculous but surprisingly it works. To know more about stock photography, stock photos , stock photos , stock image , Stock fotografie ,stock image Photo , Stockphoto , Stock foto , Free stock photos , stockphotos , stock photography, Stock images ,Royalty Free Stock Photo, Royalty Free Stock Image feel free to visit http://www.imageselect.eu Article Source: http://www.ideamarketers.com/?articleid=3145000&wherefrom=LOGIN&CFID=158232418&CFTOKEN=96366680
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