Without the proper MLM Tools and Training, it's no wonder that most online network marketer's fail. The problem for most network marketer's is knowing which MLM tools are the right one and which are a waste of time. This article will discuss which MLM Tools I would recommend to any network marketer! #1 MLM Tool - Attraction Marketing What is Attraction Marketing? Attraction Marketing is the fundamental building blocks of successfully attracting others to you by building a relationship with them and helping them solve their problems. NO more chasing family and friends, NO more hanging out at your local coffee shop and prospecting. NO more 3 foot rule. Learning attraction marketing is the key to having a successful network marketing business by offering solutions to other network marketer's problems. You will find that more individuals will be interested in joining you and then your network marketing business when you give value and knowledge to them. #2 MLM Tool - My Lead System Pro My Lead System Pro is the premiere online network marketing system built for network marketer's by network marketer's. My Lead System Pro is built on the foundation of the Attraction Marketing Principles. This system will teach you about the marketing strategies you need to succeed online. Generate leads with pre built landing pages that offer value and training, create tabs for your face book page, learn what the gurus are doing and much more. #3 MLM Tool - Your Website Having your own personal branded website is essential for online network marketing. Your branded website is where you want other network marketer's to find you and more about the solutions you can provide to their problems. If you have never had or built a website don't start to worry, as it's not that hard. As a matter of fact you are on the website I built myself using the help from MLSP. NO outsourcing here. If your new to online marketing and not sure that you want to build your own website you can pay to have someone do it for you, big bucks, or start a pre built website with the Empower Network Blogging System. #4 MLM Tool - Auto Responder Your Auto Responder is one of the most important tools you will need besides a website. An Auto Responder is what you will use to build a relationship with your leads you generate from My Lead System Pro and your website. Primarily, the auto responder will send email messages to your list once they opt in to one of your offers or subscribe to your website RSS feed. Once you start to build a relationship with your list you can offer affiliate products, tell them about upcoming events and more. These MLM Tools are tested and proven by myself and many others. You can rest assured that you are not spinning your wheels and wasting your time or money. Your job is to generate leads for your business. Without the proper MLM Tools you will be spending more time on the how to do it stuff instead of focusing on your network marketing business. Online Network Marketing shouldn't be that hard if you have a system, a plan and you know how to offer value to others who are looking to take their business online. Learn more about how I utilize these MLM Tools, MLSP, my funded proposal and generate 5 - 10 targeted leads a day by visiting my website.
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