Adults diagnosed with ADHD usually encounter problems concerning self motivation, appraisal and organization that can be a root of disorganization, disturbance in their daily life, procrastination and their ability to set priorities. The intellectual ability of adults having the disorder is almost the same compared to adults who are not diagnosed with the disorder. Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder may start from early childhood and continue up to adulthood if not properly treated, thus, the disorder has been claimed to be a chronic condition. There is a probable occurrence that six out of ten children diagnosed with the disorder will bring ADHD as they grow to adulthood. Because of the latter, the individual's life may be affected when it comes to their education, career and relationship with others depending on how they react with the disorder. Symptoms experienced by the ADHD patient may change and differ depending on their maturity. Teachers, family members and co workers who are used with the ADHD symptoms may later consider the behaviors acted by the ADHD patient to be as normal. Research shows that adults do not experience frequent hyperactivity than that of children with ADHD. It has also been discovered that individuals without ADHD are least to experience car accidents and have more chances of finishing their college degree than individual's having ADHD. Also, adult ADHD cases usually encounter difficulty in seeking job employment. Adults diagnosed with the disorder are usually seen by others as confused, disorganized and have higher probability of being distracted by others. Because of these, their self confidence is affected and thus they result to activities such as smoking and engaging in alcoholic beverages which they assume will make them feel normal like others. At the same time, this condition will bring them other problems like depression and addiction to alcohol or drugs. The problems arising from ADHD symptoms vary in their intensity and on how the patients manage them. Due to the other conditions experienced by the patient because of the ADHD symptoms they may fail to do things like what other normal adults do experience Greater percentage of adults with ADHD re under the inattentive type while most men are likely to suffer from the hyperactive type or and impulsive type. Because of the neurobiology of ADHD it has been made clearer and is becoming more evident that ADHD can be directly associated with the functions of the brain. For more transforming strategies for ADHD, visit
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