Not all dogs like getting their hair cut. In fact, it is more common to find dogs that cringe, shiver and make quite a fuss at the prospect of having themselves groomed. This is why several owners like to avoid taking their dogs to the salon and get the hair managed by themselves. While this may be easier on the dog, it could take a while before both dog and owner settle down into the routine. The first time that you groom your dog can be a test of nerves for both. As the owner, you would want to have this managed easily and painlessly. If you fall into this category, then here are some ways in which you can make this a pleasant affair for both. On the day of the first cut, ensure that you are well prepared and have all you need at hand. Look to keep newspaper, napkin or towel, some water in a spray, and your dog grooming shears around you. After this is ready, bring your dog in and let him have a generous sniff around. You must understand that there is nothing that will really excite him, so do not expect much interest. Once your dog is familiar around these things, you can begin giving him a cut. Always make the dog feel like you are in control, but not overbearing. When you actually cut his hair, use the dog grooming shears carefully, but not minimally. Try and make bigger cuts around large areas so that you can have the job done faster. The longer you keep your pet around, the more edgy and fidgety he will become, no matter how much he is enjoying himself. When using dog grooming shears, never take the shears around the dog’s eyes. Avoid letting him see the shears or you snipping them too close to him. This could make him very uneasy, and almost feel provoked. Instead, work in sections away from him. When you get to delicate parts like the places around the eyes, hold the dog comfortingly and work quickly, with small snips. Once you are done using the dog grooming shears, give your dog a good rub, and he is sure to enjoy it. Always reward your dog after he has been groomed, since it is not an easy time for him. Even if your dog has not been at his best behavior, reward him so that he does not resist as much the next time around. View more collection of dog grooming shears -
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