Summary: Colon Cancer Symptoms and Information Colon cancer is a serious disease, as are all types of cancer. Symptoms Signs and symptoms of colon cancer can take a while to become detectable. The following are symptoms of this cancer: · A change in your bowel habits. Whether it is constipation, diarrhea, or any other change in the consistency of your bowel movements, these are all important signs to take note of in your daily routine and can help you catch this disease in the earlier stages. · Rectal bleeding. Patients often dismiss rectal bleeding as just being hemorrhoids. Don't let this happen to you. Usually with cancer, the bleeding will continue. It may stop for a while, but it will always come back. · Blood in your stool. You may notice that there is blood whenever you have a bowel movement. You may not actually notice any blood between movements. · The feeling that your bowel has not completely emptied after a bowel movement. Tumors can actually grow inside the colon and become large enough to block a portion of the colon. · Unexplained weight loss. · Fatigue or weakness. Many times, people who have developed colon cancer may not experience any signs or symptoms in the earlier stages of the disease. Symptoms will vary from person to person. You want to catch the cancer in the earlier stages. Chances for treatment or curability decreases in the later stages of colon cancer and the prognosis is not good. If caught in Stage 0 or Stage 1, there is greater than a 90% chance of a 5-year survival rate. If caught in the last stage, the chance is less than 10%. Summary: Colon Cancer Symptoms and Help Colon cancer is a preventable disease. This dictum is particularly true for colon cancer. Here are the most effective steps you can take to prevent cancer. Detecting early symptoms of colon cancer is probably the most difficult part in preventing the development of the disease. The following are the most common symptoms of colon cancer: 1. Blood in your stool. 2. Painful stomach and lower back cramps. 3. Thin stools and painful defecation. 4. Severe weight loss. Schedule Regular Screening When you undergo colon cancer screening, doctors try to detect the presence of polyps in your colon. These polyps trigger the development of cancer. If doctors can detect these at the early stages, then you can effectively avoid cancer of the colon. If you are in the 50 years old and above demographic, then a regular colon cancer screening is very important. Most cancer patients belong to this demographic. Eat a High Fiber Diet Unhealthy foods are one of the primary causes of most cancers. This is especially true for cancer of the colon. You must also avoid high cholesterol and fatty foods because these food groups can promote cancer. So always have a well balanced and high fiber diet in order to prevent this disease. Consider Colon Cleansing Colon cleansing is an effective way to flush out accumulated toxins and fecal plaque from your stomach and colon canal. There are many methods of colon cleansing. You need to consult a physician before you decide to undergo regular colon cleansing. There are herbal solutions that can promote colon cleansing. Living a healthy lifestyle is the best way to prevent colon cancer. You may copy / distribute / edit but keep this link below live: Article 1: COLON CANCER SYMPTOMS AND INFORMATION Article 2: COLON CANCER SYMPTOMS AND HELP Category : COLON RECTAL CANCER Source : CANCER.TIPSTIMES.COM Licensed : CREATIVE COMMONS SHARE ALIKE 3.0
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