If you want to make your life a lot easier then knowing good English is what you need. A prerequisite for getting a job these days is the knowledge of good English communication skills. In regions like Asia, Europe or Africa – knowing English has become a top priority. People have understood that this language is so powerful that it has got the power to change one’s life completely. Each one of us wants to be successful in life and learning English is the first step to the road to success. Flashback ……….Recall the school days when we used to spent hours in memorizing the spellings for the dictation to be held for final examinations. The fight used to be for scoring only “10 Marks”! Still it was not less than winning the “WORLD WAR”…. Remember the word “Separate”. The first time I spelt it as “Seprate”….yes because I pronounce it like ways. I had a long debate with my teacher on this. Finally she taught me the correct spelling and the funda behind it. She taught me that in the spelling of “Separate” there is “a rat”.So the correct spelling will be “Separate”& not “Seprate”. After this I have never misspelt this word. So the first rule says “If you are not able to remember the correct spelling, relate it with any common thing which is easy to remember.” Now create a rule for yourself to spell“Definitely”…..I know ab-initio you will spell it as “DAFINATLY”…Correct…yes coz we speak “Dafinatly”. I REMEMBER THIS SPELLING AS “IT HAS EF IN IT”. SO SPELLING WILL BE DEFINITELY” . . Now lets try next word. Spell the word “Lieutenant”! What is it? It is nothing but “Leftinant”…..now u must have got it….but my dear the spelling is 100 % incorrect ?. The correct spelling is “Lieutenant”. How to remember….Hmn….difficult …. No …not at all. Second Rule …….BREAK IT……LIE + U + TEN + ANT……Easy Na….Now will never forget this spelling. Now try to memorise Parallelogram. Now lets do a small exercise. Identify the correct spelling. 1) a. Mustach b. Moustach c. Mustache d. Moustache 2) a. Tariff b. Tarriff c. Tarif d. Tarrif 3) a. Temperature b. Temaparture c. Temprator d. Tampratur 4) a. Restaurant b. Resturant c. Resturent d. Restaurent Learn English Online Learn English with the help of experts. Englishleap offers free and paid courses to improve your English online. Join the largest English learning community on the web. Useful resources:- English speaking course English Grammar Vocabulary
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spellings, english, grammar, vocabulary,