BHAGYA SAMHITA says that all the nine planets influence a person’s life for nine special years till the 48th of the person’s life. During these special years planets give auspicious and inauspicious results to a person. In this article we will discuss about the special results of the planets that are provided in special years of a native. INFLUENCE OF JUPITER Jupiter influences a person at the early years of his or her life. A native’s 16th years of life are considered as the years of Jupiter. For example if a native has an exalted Jupiter on the 4th house of her kundli then she may have excellent academic result up to the 16th year. If Jupiter is on the 6th house of her kundli, it indicates that there is a possibility of loss of education in these formative years of her life. Sun influences a native’s life up to 22 years of his or her life. Exalted Sun in a kundli means profit from government works, whereas debilitated Sun points to failure in this sector. INFLUENCE OF MOON Moon has a huge impact especially on the 24th year of a native’s life. Exalted Moon in the kundli means pleasure from mother and other worldly things. A debilitated Moon in the kundli may create negative results from mother and mental stress of the native. INFLUENCE OF VENUS Venus is the significator of 25th years of a native’s life. As Venus is the lord of love, marriage and life partner it deeply influences these spheres in a native’s life. Exalted Venus in a kundli or Venus in a fixed house provides pleasure from wife, butweakened Venus creates lack of experienced pleasure of the native and may create family problems. INFLUENCE OF MARS Mars controls supreme in the 28th years of a native’s life. With its auspiciousness and inauspiciousness it affects the person. Auspicious and exalted Mars in a horoscope can cause profit from siblings and land property. Debilitated Mars in horoscope can cause loss in family property and bad relationship with brother and sister. INFLUENCE OF MERCURY The 34th year of a person is ruled by Mercury. Exalted Mercury in the horoscope can cause loss in business profit and debilitated Mercury increases the possibility of loss in business. INFLUENCE OF SATURN Saturn influence the 36th year of a person’s life by its auspiciousness and inauspiciousness. An exalted Saturn is lucrative for a person’s profession, building house and individual effort. Weakened Saturn in a horoscope can cause loss in the above specified spheres of a person’s life. INFLUENCE OF RAHU Rahu casts its influence in the 42nd year of a person. Auspicious Rahu can give success in political field and weakened Rahu means the person may be a victim of political conspiracy. Rahu can also cause mental problems. INFLUENCE OF KETU Ketu influences a person on 48th years of life. This planet improves profit from son and maternal uncle whileweakened ketu can cause loss of wealth from the above specified relationship of the person. PLANETS AND THEIR DURATION If you want to see the influential periods of planets in your life, they can be seen by the following list. • Jupiter - 16th year, • Sun - 22nd year, • Moon - 24th year, • Venus – 25th year, • Mars - 28th years, • Mercury – 34th year, • Saturn - 36th year, • Rahu - 42nd year and • Ketu – 48th year of a native’s life. About Author Jyotishacharya Vinay Sheel Saxena "Bajrangi" “Bhagya Samhita wale” is a well known indian Vedic Astrologer Horoscope reader and Vastu expert and provides best vedic astrology solutions, vastu remedies, astrology forecast, Horoscope matching and other astrological solutions.
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