Hair transplant and restoration techniques have been widely in demand all over the world. This is for the sole reason that hair thinning, hair loss and balding can never be terminated. Fact is hair loss and balding is part of every man’s aging process. It can be delayed but eventually it will still happen. According to Dubai Hair Club specialists, hair loss and balding can happen not only during the old age, truth of the matter is it can happen at any age and with both male and female too. Dubai Hair Club pointed out a number of factors that can cause hair loss and balding, and these include genetics which can be passed on from one generation to the other. Other factors that can cause hair loss and balding areharsh hairstyles and salon treatments like constant blow drying, hot ironing, curling, dyeing, bleaching, straightening and other strong salon chemical treatments for the hair. Hormonal imbalance in women is one big factor why hair loss is evident as well, when mostly men are the ones more prone to balding. This is because hormones in women change, most especially during pregnancy and childbirth. Hormonal shifts can also be more noticeable during menopause which is part of the aging process as well, and has always been the main cause of hair loss and balding in women. Illness and surgery is another factor that could affect the growth of the human hair. Illness such as thyroid disorders, syphilis, lupus, and iron deficiency can also cause balding in both men and women. Medications and treatment for cancer patients which is called the Chemo Therapy can be one major cause of balding as well. Alopecia Areata on the other hand is one of the most common illnesses that triggers the autoimmune system and can cause balding too. This type of illness does not really have an illness to the rapid hair loss all over the body and, the only solution to this is a hair transplant procedure. Where to go for the best hair transplant procedure? As we all know hair transplant and hair restoration is a cosmetic procedure that is already used worldwide, but there are only a few top destinations for hair transplant procedures that most people could rely on. These top three places are Thailand, Turkey and Dubai. Thailand as we all know is famous for it’s in demand cosmetic industry and its widespread use of different kinds of cosmetic surgery procedures, that it has been one of the leading medical tourism in the whole of Asia. Thailand’s popularity when it comes to anything related to cosmetic surgery is due to the fact that the country has the most giant numbers of private hospitals and clinics which offer low cost even with their most prominent cosmetic surgeons and specialists. Turkey is next in line when it comes to one of the most visited destinations for hair transplant. They are famous for their most updated and new medical equipments, plus clients from all over the world always have one common feedback and that is, all their doctors are very caring and compassionate. Dubai is the third leading top destination for hair transplant which offers diverse types of hair transplant procedures that will suit any types of clients. Just like Turkey, Dubai is also well-known for its most updated cosmetic surgery and hair transplant machines and gadgets as well. For the most prominent hair transplant clinic in Dubai, we suggest Dubai Hair Club for all your hair loss needs.
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