Some people have a more challenging time meeting compatible romantic partners than others. Patterns in numerology and astrology charts symbolize life circumstances. Whenever we see patterns in a person’s charts representing tough love energy, their actual love life circumstances always match the energy. As above, so below. Our work has convinced us that at least 75% of the key circumstances and events in everyone's life are fated. Finances, love life, family, recognition, adversity, and more. Some creative (i.e., subjective) modern astrologers might say, “Well, if things are bad in your love life at the present, just transform your ‘fate into destiny,’ and your ‘limitations into gifts;’ make it your destiny to have a good love life now, and ‘unleash the power of your soul’ while ‘delivering grace to the world.’” Yes, it’s nice to spread light to the world, so to speak, but you can’t cheat fate, no matter how much effort and time you put into “creating your destiny.” If you’re fated to experience a long spell of challenging romantic energy, no amount of inspiration and New Age myth will change that. However, you can change how you deal with it, looking at it from a spiritual perspective, therefore making it easier to handle. By the way, fate and destiny are the same thing. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Destined circumstances and events/fated circumstances and events—same concept. You have free will in how you handle your personal fate/destiny and how you make the most of your karma, within the confines of your fate/destiny. If the creative, modern astrologers put aside the affectation, cheerleading and psycho-babble, and actually carried out the comprehensive delineation and prediction typical of seasoned astrologers who are devoted to their work (rather than striving mostly for the limelight and book sales) they would be singing a different tune. Additionally, know that the following are best avoided if you want value for your money, rather than mere entertainment: Astrologers who treat the natal figures exclusively as maps of the subject’s subconscious and avoid real issues, and the timing of such, and otherwise deny the cold, hard realities of life; astrologers who use mainly infrequent cycles such as transits and secondary progressions and retrogrades (which are best used for minor modifications only); astrologers who use almost exclusively Ptolemaic aspects (conjunctions, squares, sextiles, etc.) in delineation; and astrologers who avoid comprehensive charting, using only a limited number of considerations (unless they have remarkable, consistently strong psychic ability). Tough love life circumstances do exist recurrently for many people. Often times, thankfully, their love timing eventually improves greatly and if the overall natal structure looks good for love, the subject will have romantic success. Until that time, it’s an opportunity to prepare for what is to come. It’s a good time to look into potential subconscious blocks that may hinder one’s love life. A great way to do that is through handwriting analysis. Comprehensive handwriting analysis exposes hidden behavioral forms in the unconscious mind, including fears and defenses, and it’s more reliable than modern, psychological astrology. It’s very possible a person has zero conscious awareness that his or her subconscious personality would, for example, rather avoid anything more than superficial interaction with others. Furthermore, he or she may think they want marriage, but their subconscious personality views it as prison. Hence, there is a constant, hidden battle waging between the conscious and subconscious, and the subconscious prevails. Good news: simply by knowing about the hidden demands of your unconscious makeup will begin to set you free. Copyright © Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo Scott Petullo and Stephen Petullo are identical twins and have been exploring metaphysics since the early 1980’s. They are experts in the fields of prediction, personal fate, love life, and past life regression and are natural psychics and mediums. Get their free report: 13 Spiritual and New Age Myths and 11 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Psychic. free report: 13 Spiritual and New Age Myths and 11 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Psychic at www.MYSTICTWINS.COM
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