Italian cuisine these days is considered as more of a global cuisine. With the world these days turning towards a health-conscious outlook it becomes all the more imminent what is the cooking medium that you are using on a regular basis. While cooking media like butter, vegetable oils, animal fat etc. might add extra taste to your cooked food but their detrimental effect on the health reasons are significant. So, when you speak of healthy cooking medium and one that is most commonly used in most Italian cuisines is extra virgin olive oil! Think of a great Italian salad or a topping on bruschetta or crusted bread, all are incomplete without some premium quality extra virgin olive oil. It not only adds the best of taste to your dishes but also ensures that you get the perfect nutritional benefits as well. Extra virgin olive oil just like normal olive oil is extracted directly from the fruit olive by grinding this on a certain temperature just to conserve its natural taste. The method of extraction is mostly known as “cold pressed”. Before the pressing of the olives is performed it is made cold so that it preserves the natural taste. For extra virgin olive oil consumers it can be very interesting to know that this is produced completely naturally without the use of any chemicals. Another feature that makes the extra virgin olive oil stand out is that it is non- refined making it retain most of the qualities of the freshest of olives. The extra virgin olive oil typically contains 0.8% acidity and has a much superior taste being the highest quality of olive oil. Extra virgin olive oil has some distinctive characteristics possessing a combination of unique flavour and distinctive odour. It is known to be the most delicate flavoured oil in existence. In some regions of Italy extra virgin olive oil is judge by experts by its taste and aroma. Recent technological advancements and studies has hinted towards extra virgin olive oil having some key contributions towards the prevention of cancer apart from possessing a number of health benefits, making it a core element of a “perfect” Mediterranean diet. Now that you are aware of how delicately the extra virgin olive oil is made and how significantly it can contributed towards your health, you must be excited to know how best you could source best quality extra virgin olive oil. If you are located outside Italy, the optimal place for you to source this are the online Italian delis. These niche online retail channels often offer the premium quality extra virgin olive oil to their customers, which they source right from the best producers in Italy. It is advisable that you research a bit on the online deli’s website and on other online food blogs and forums to be assured of its credibility. The two key factors that you should primarily focus on are the sourcing credibility of your online deli and the dependability of its delivery schedule. Once that you have ensured these you are just a click away from enjoying some great quality extra virgin olive oil! If you are in London and looking for the best quality extra virgin olive oil, delivered 6 times a week right to your doorstep, please visit . This online deli offers more than 800 authentic Italian products that include the cheeses , ham , pasta , sauces just to name a few at prices that won’t make you think twice !
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