Health and hygiene go hand in hand, in our routine life we are exposed to dirt and germs of various types, while at residential premises we have to clean the surroundings and put infections at bay. While cleaning it is essential to keep a hand towel to protect ourselves from getting in direct contact with dust and dirt. Hand towels are used to wipe of dust and dirt from hands and body to seize skin infections and blemishes. After a hand wash towels are used to wipe wet skin, thereby making the skin clean and dry, if your skin is dry, germs, and dirt do not settle on it and thus stopping infections. Towels are a boon when you are suffering from cold and cough. After sneezing, they come handy to wipe your nose, while coughing place a hand towel on your mouth to stop spreading infections to others. In areas having lot of dust, towels if placed on the nose, may protect much dust from entering your respiratory track. Avoiding dust is very important for individuals suffering from asthma, bronchitis, and respiratory disease. Hand towels filter dust and give relief by helping you clean your skin off dust. Hand towels are placed near a hand washbasin to wipe hands. In kitchen hand, towels are generously used to wipe your hands after cutting, stirring, cleaning, washing, and other household jobs. In summers, the hand towels are profusely used to wipe off sweat, and face after a splash of cold water soothes your skin from the hot summer heat. Its utmost important to keep towels clean and neat as they are most used and sometimes abused by not getting them washed and cleaned. Wash the towels after soaking them for some time in an antiseptic solution, dry them in proper sunlight and air; this ensures germs are eradicated to the core. Keep a separate hand towel for your personal use; ensure it is only used to clean your skin. Disposable towels are better to clean nose when suffering from cold and cough. While working around in the house keep separate hand towels for particular task. It is important to buy a hand towel that has high absorption capacity, and the cloth is reusable only if it is made from natural fibers. Wholesale shops are useful to buy bulk hand towels, as you have a large variety of cloths, colors, textures, shapes, sizes and sold at reasonable prices. View more collection of hand towels at -
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