Acquiring an associates degree in nursing will allow students to begin an interesting, fulfilling career in nursing in a mere 24 months. Provided by both junior colleges and nursing colleges in California, this degree is without question one of the most sought-after today among first-year college students. As a matter of fact, with nurses in record demand, associates degree nursing programs in numerous parts of the state are becoming inundated with brand new students. Precisely What is an Associates Degree in Nursing? In a nutshell, an associates degree in nursing enables its owner to work as a Licensed Vocational Nurse (LVN) or RN any place in the state. Pupils in associates degree nursing classes concentrate their education around learning technical knowledge necessary for their professions, rather than the standard academic coursework in Bachelor's programs. As a result, pupils in these kinds of programs will begin their career in just two years. There are unique names for associates nursing degrees offered in California - the ADN and ASN yet, for most intents and purposes, they are the very same degree. The names are different depending upon the college that grants them, but the two signify the identical quality, and form, of schooling. What Can You Do With an ADN/ASN? Following graduation, those who hold an ADN or ASN are allowed to sit for the NCLEX-RN or NCLEX-PN exam. Basic licensure examinations are needed to be a RN or LVN. Getting a passing result will mean that a person has gained her or his license and is ready to begin nursing as a professional. The option of becoming an LVN or RN is essentially an individual one, because both equally provide fantastic opportunities to be employed in nursing. Never the less, most pupils participating in associates nursing classes generally wish to eventually be Registered Nurses. Not surprisingly, an estimated 59% of those that take the NCLEX-RN each year are from two-year programs. Where to Find a Two-Year Nursing Program As stated, an ADN or ASN degree might be received through junior colleges or accredited nursing schools. Just about any program you think about joining must be certified through the BVNPT (if you plan to be a Vocational Nurse) or the Board of Registered Nursing, and it's in addition beneficial to find out the recent NCLEX pass percentages for the school's students. Good Reasons to Contemplate a Two-Year Degree in Nursing As a whole, the nursing field in California is expanding at one of the quickest rates in the United States. By way of earning an ADN or ASN degree, you'll be able to capitalize on this terrific chance. No matter whether your primary aim is to be an LVN or an RN, acquiring a two-year degree in nursing will allow you to make it a reality.
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