Even with the rise of social networking sites, email list building strategies remain as relevant today as they were a few years ago. The Radicati Group estimates that about 294 billion emails go out every day around the world. Clearly, email lists are far from dying out as a marketing strategy. Depending on the focus of your company, blog, or program, opportunities to add leads to your mailing list will abound in different places. If you regularly run events, having some kind of draw or other contest will encourage people to add their email address to a physical list provided at these events in order to potentially win something. You can also encourage people to forward part or allof your message to their friends who might be interested in the topic. Keeping your emails both informative and entertaining will make them more likely to do so. These friends will subscribe, if they like what they read. Email List Building Strategies for Business to Business(B2B) If you provide services for other businesses, your target will be employees and owners who work in relevant areas. Twitter makes it easy to find businesses in your target industry, with links to their websites. It is always a good policy to ask before adding someone to your email list. In the beginning stages, you may be tempted to add any friend or acquaintance who might be interested, but you don’t want to give yourself a bad name. On the other hand, contacting a company to present your product or service can build momentum for your email list when they subscribe for more information. This way, your information becomes solicited and will not be viewed as spam. Email List Building Strategies for Business to Client(B2C) If your intent is to reach potential fans or customers, word of mouth is a good way to spread your message. That being said, experience shows that it is easier to get clients to purchase from or interact with your business over and over than it is to bring new people into the fold. Still, adding new leads to your email list grows your customer base, even if that person never spends money. As more and more people become aware that you exist, you can put less energy into advertising since it will carry itself. Then you can focus on what you really want to do, which is usually improving your services and creating new or better products. Fun email contests or free downloads will draw people in, and this will also encourage people to tell their circle of friends about these things. Once they participate, they will feel like they have a stake in the future of the company, and will be more likely to check back for updates, as well as continue to read the emails you send out. The email list building strategies mentioned above will not be effective for all needs, but they provide guidelines for consideration. Keeping your emails interesting is key to maintaining your current base, and the more people enjoy your messages, the more likely they are to share them. To download your FREE copy of my “Email List Building Automation” special e-report, click here NOW: In this 41 pages information packed report, you will find real answers to many of your questions on list building and Learn how to build your list very rapidly.
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