Stretch marks in teenagers are an extremely common issue, with most individuals experiencing them somewhere on their body at some point during their teenage years. Some areas of the body are particularly susceptible to them, and they can be caused by a number of different effects. Teenagers are naturally likely to encounter growth spurts at various stages of their body’s development, either through short growth spurts or various changes in their lifestyles and the body itself. However, identifying what causes stretch marks in teenagers is not overly complex, with a number of normal occurrences. The Causes of Teenage Stretch Marks -Regular growth spurts. It is common for teenagers to grow rapidly during this period of their life, often at a much faster rate than normal. While most of the body is ready for something such as this, the skin is less prepared. Stretch marks can often be put down to growth, and this is particularly the case even without any changes in diet or lifestyle. Effectively, the body grows faster than the skin can accommodate, and so the skin tears, leaving a stretch mark in its place. -Hormonal effects. As part of the changes that the body undergoes during teenage years, the hormones adapt and are at the center of many natural alterations. This means that alongside growth spurts, the body will change shape in many ways as it develops. Again, the skin, while relatively soft, is unable to fully accommodate the changes in shape and sometimes it literally gives way, resulting in a stretch mark. This explains the particular occurrence of stretch marks in specific places, such as on the back and shoulders of many males and around the hips and upper legs in females. -Teenage lifestyles. Many teenagers develop their sporting skills during their teenage years. Even when they have participated in a particular activity for many years, only once they reach teenage years is exercise likely to cause noteworthy changes in physique. The rapid building of muscle or even loss of fat can lead to these changes causing stretch marks, particularly in the extremities. Dealing with Stretch Marks in Teenagers Stretch marks can be an irritation, particularly at such a body conscious stage of development. However, while they are a likely occurrence, with over a third of teenagers developing them at some point, they can be managed or even treated depending on the severity. Many individuals can also take action to help prevent them from occurring in the first place. -Manage a regular diet. While people are encouraged to monitor their diet at all stages of life, doing so as a teenager can have added effects. While growth spurts are natural and not particularly affected by what they eat, allowing weight to fluctuate through irregular eating patterns can add to the stress on the skin, increasing the likelihood of the development of stretch marks. The vitamins contained in many foods also contribute to the body’s effective management and reduction of stretch marks. Some teenagers are particularly lacking in vitamins A and C, which both directly affect the skin. -The use of supplements. In some cases, any vitamin deficiencies can be caused by both diet and lifestyle. Vitamin supplements are easily available and can serve to fill in any gaps in the diet. The aforementioned vitamins A and C both have huge effects on the development of stretch marks as they are crucial to the processes that repair skin tissue and form connective tissue respectively. -Employing pharmaceutical products. If a teenager is suffering from particularly bad stretch marks, or is overly concerned about the physical appearance, they may consider a range of moisturizing creams. These creams are applied directly to the affected areas and are as easily available as vitamin supplements. They can serve to make the skin firmer or encourage a swifter repair of the skin cells. Alongside regular skin products, it is also possible to purchase specialist creams that are specifically formulated for the treatment of stretch marks on individuals of any age. It is important to remember that later in life stretch marks can be extremely difficult to deal with and it is better to learn how to get rid of stretch marks as soon as possible. As the body gets older, its ability to carry out quick repairs to the skin is reduced. However, teenagers have particularly pliable skin that is much more elastic in nature than older people. This means that barring any huge changes in their appearance, any stretch marks caused by the body’s development will almost certainly disappear naturally. Maintaining a good lifestyle is always crucial, but doing so as a teenager not only forms important dietary and exercise habits for the future, but also minimizes the effects of natural cosmetic issues such as stretch marks.
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