Studies show that if medications are preferred for treating ADHD so as to reduce inattention and hyperactivity, it is best to be paired up with behavioral therapy. When Behavioral Therapy is given to the patient it influences the child in several ways. When it comes to school and home atmosphere, the therapy improves the child's organization behaviors and attitudes. It also helps the child in their comprehension ability as wells as guiding them to acquire a clearer grasp of instructions and commands. Behavioral therapy recommends reward system to help parents and teachers and other individuals involve to better understand and manage the child's inattention and hyperactivity. There are various behavioral strategies performed to an ADHD patient that may help them with their existing symptoms. Making a routine or schedule of to dos is best recommended. Have a self-discipline when flowing the posted schedules. Be consistent with it. Have your child's time set and allocated for recreational activities, school works, bonding with the family and a time for treatment. These set of activities can result best if done daily with the help of parents and teachers. Another is to maintain organization. The child with Attention Deficit Disorder must be taught on how to organize themselves and their things. Things in school like books and notebooks, toys and other personal necessities must be placed orderly in their proper area. With this, the child will learn on how to be organized and lost of things will be avoided. Distractions must be avoided. Television, radio, computer games and fun time with friends must be done in the right time. They must be avoided and better not be done when the child is having his school works. This minimizes his tolerance to things which will not make him productive and negatively influence his performance in school. Reward system is also recommended for children with ADHD. Create a list of goals to be achieved like monitoring improvements and keeping up positive behaviors. This can be done by providing rewards that will motivate the child. Goals must be implemented step by step so as not to stress the child. Be sure that the set goals are realistic. It is important to understand the child's situation considering his inattention and hyperactivity. It is not advisable to bark orders like to shout errands on them. By doing so, children may do the task out of their will and worse may rebel. Those can greatly affect their disorder. Be polite in gentle in dealing with them. If they resist still and cannot be controlled, it is better to give them consequences of not following you. For more transforming strategies for ADHD, visit
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