Many people are looking for a fuel-efficient automobile when they purchase their next car. A hybrid automobile is the one they will be taking into consideration and the best one to on the market today is the Toyota Prius. But the Toyota Prius is not going to be liked by everyone so they may consider other hybrids like ones made by Honda. Honda has been making quality cars for some time and they now have a line of hybrid cars available for the market. So far as fuel-efficient hybrids go, they are now one of the frontrunners in the industry. As a result of rising fuel costs, hybrid cars can help cut the cost of fuel in half. Various other advantages include tax breaks if you live in the United States. When you get a hybrid, you then need to select which one you will want. If you have a Honda at the moment, you should be happy to know that they have hybrid editions of their popular models. While the Honda Insight is a bit more affordable, the Honda Civic Hybrid may be the better option. The very first Honda Civic always had great gasoline consumption and now the hybrid version is even better. It has been regarded as an Advanced Technology Partial Zero-Emission Automobile. With this rating, you realize that you will definitely be getting a car that is environmentally friendly. The Civic Hybrid includes an integrated battery pack that comes with an 8 year/80,000 mile manufacturer's warranty. You should anticipate that the Honda Civic Hybrid will give you many years of great driving while protecting the environment. The starting price of the 2011 Civic Hybrid is $23,950 which has an MPG of 43 highway along with 40 city with a combined 41 mpg. It is ideal for the individual who wants an average looking car that is a fuel-efficient hybrid. The Honda Civic has long been the criterion for compact cars even though the styling is not very cutting edge. Starting from last year's design, hardly any changes were made to the 2011 Civic, but right around the corner is an all-new generation. On the list of highest rated fuel-efficient cars, the Honda Civic Hybrid is positioned third behind the Honda Insight and the Toyota Prius. You should probably perform a test drive of these three cars to find which one feels right for you. If fuel economy was the sole factor, then the Prius could be the only option. In case you only look at price, then the Honda Insight would be the one to end up with. You can check out some other interesting info by Craig by heading over to lpn where he writes about nursing. You can also go to lpn jobs to learn more about nursing jobs.
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