There are many tools of divination available to those who wish to seek them out, but one of the most iconic and easy to learn is the deck of Tarot. In beginning to understand Tarot, there are four suits: swords, cups, wands and pentacles, as well as Major Arcana, iconic cards that have a whole different series of meanings in the deck and are universally considered the more important part of the deck. In continuing study of the Major Arcana, next is the 17 Card, The Star. The Star card is the ultimate representation of shining truth and hope. For one who has been lost after the destructive change of the Tower card, the Star is that card which guides one back to truth. A card that is very heavily and obviously influenced by the Sumerian goddess Inanna, whose primary symbol is the eight-pointed star, whose iconography is obvious on any Star card in a Tarot deck. By having faith in the stars above to guide the individual, guidance comes, so this card is an example of faith and hope. As you go further into the Tarot deck, this card represents in a reading that a journey you are on is coming closer to an end. Your trials and hardships from the Tower have now led you to the final leg of your journey, with new knowledge and strength. This strength comes from the new spiritual growth you’ve experienced during the destruction of your values and belief systems from the Tower. Upright in a Tarot card reading, the Star is the sign of restoration and hope. If you’ve been going through a difficult time, you now can see where the journey will end and that you are close to the prize. Now that you can relax for a moment, take the time to center and balance. If you’re about to make an important decision, this is the time to sit and breathe. Thankfully, the Star card is the harbinger of relaxation and a time of calm that seems so rare in this day and age. You don’t need to worry about what goes on around you, but rather you are given the opportunity to focus and look inward. Good news will come your way, but this is the perfect time to look at a hobby or talent that you feel has gone to the wayside and pick it back up. The key words for the Star card are the following: tranquility, meditation, healing, truth, guidance, faith, renewal, and trust. When the Star card is reversed, though, it is one of the few cards that still carries a very positive message. Unlike an upright reading, the Star is a sign that you have achieved that growth and only need to unlock it. It’s entirely possible that you are following the spiritual signs around you, yet this movement is not a conscious one. The key words for the reversed reading are as follows: a reluctance to let someone help you, distrust, being focused on the self, afraid to accept faith. The common sense psychic reader provides articles, insight, tips and opinions on various today's spiritual subjects and where to get the services psychic services. He is also part of the psychic net-work in kooma.
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