It is important to diagnose your OCD correctly. Before an individual is diagnosed to have OCD, a doctor or specialist of the disorder must first conduct various tests, medically and psychologically, and observe the individual keenly. The results of the examinations can help identify what behavioral disorder the individual is undergoing and whether there are other illness related to his condition. The tests conducted include physical examinations. These test include the measurement of both height and weight including the results of the vital signs like the blood pressure of the patient, heart rate and checking of the temperature. Examination of the abdomen and lungs are also considered. Laboratory tests like a complete blood count or better known as CBC, alcohol and drug tests and thyroid examination must also be made to the patient with OCD. With regard to the obsessions and compulsions, a psychological assessment should also be given to the patient. The doctor or psychiatrist will have an interview and conversation with the patient, asking him thought provoking questions associated to the symptoms experienced. This interview involves information on how and when symptoms began, how do patients relate with them, how do they handle then and how are the symptoms affecting their normal lives. The doctor is also open for issues like suicide attempts or harming of one's self. The doctor will also talk and discuss things with the patient's parents and family members. There are different criteria that must be taken into account before the doctor may claim that the patient has an OCD. These requisites are: the patient should have obsessions and or compulsions and they must be beyond the normal and must be out of reason. The obsessions and compulsions experienced must greatly affect the individual's daily normal routine. The obsessions must as well be recurring and are causing the individual too much stress even though they are mere simple worries that any other individual without OCD has. Despite avoidance of the obsessions, they still create thoughts and images that are unwanted considering that those are only in the mind of the individual and cover no sufficient amount of reasoning. On the other hand, compulsions suffered by the individual happen repetitively like the feeling or urge of washing hands to often because of the worry that it might be contaminated with dirt though it had been cleansed earlier or just simply the act of counting in the mind over and over again. Know the examinations and the tests in diagnosing OCD. For more transforming strategies for ADHD, visit
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