Italian food in the current form has been developed after several improvements and modifications. The origin of this cuisine is dated back to the 4th century BC. This cuisine has been influenced by cooking from diverse countries like the food of prehistoric Greeks, ancient Romans, Jewish, Etruscan, Byzantine and Arab. Through the introduction of items like the potatoes, tomatoes, bell peppers and maize, considerable variations have taken place in the cuisine flavors and tastes. This cuisine is moreover renowned for the regional variety that it offers to the food fans. In India, the Italian food and the Indian restaurants providing Italian food have achieved fame lately. Italian restaurants do not just provide pastas and pizzas only; however these days you can look forward to a full Mediterranean menu of dishes to please even the choosiest customer. There is no less than one Italian restaurant in each and every area of India, waiting to offer you a sample of their rich food preparation. Pizza is supposed to be an Italian dish. It is nothing but even bread that is added with basil, nuts, olives, honey, raisin and even cheese Usual toppings for pizzas in India might consist of paneer which is a kind of cottage cheese, pickled ginger and mutton or chicken that is minced. This might sound odd, but if you are familiar with the flavors of India, then maybe these flavors would appeal to you. Cheese pizza and one with tandoori chicken topping are a few of the well-known pizzas, too. Pizzas can be categorized into special forms based on the crust – Thin-crust pizza –it has a thin, crunchy crust. Thick crust pizza – it has a broad crust. The bread is left to rise in the baking procedure to bring about this bread-like crust sort of pizza. Pan pizza –it has a thicker crust than any other, with an extensive variety of toppings Cheese crust pizza –it is the yummiest kind of crust which has cheese stuffed in it. So, If you like eating good and tasty food and are interested in trying new eatables then you will certainly love this exciting cuisine. Robert Duce write about pastas , restaurants, ice cream desserts, indian restaurant, italian restaurant, restaurants in india.For more information Please visit us at :-
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