Acne can be distinguished in three categories they are severe, moderate and mild. Every type need different Acne Treatment, methods and skin care products. You will get various type of treatment for Acne on internet, but it is recommended that you should first consult a dermatologist before starting any self treatment for it. It is very essential to consult a doctor before starting any treatment by your own in order to get back your healthy skin. Your dermatologist is the perfect person to help you out by providing you the best acne solution. Treatment for a Severe Case When you notice that your Acne is inflamed and it appears like cysts then it is severe Acne, you should immediately consult your dermatologist for Acne Treatment or else it may get worse. It is very important that you should take this severe zit very seriously or else it may damage your entire skin. The best treatment for severe Acne is to consult your dermatologist as soon as possible they will immediately take some action and let you know about the best Acne Solution. Treatment for a Moderate Case The blackheads and whiteheads that you notice on your face are the moderate Acne. In this case also people have to consult their dermatologist beforehand they start with self treatment, and they will offer some Acne Treatment in which the patient need to apply cream on it. The creams that are recommended for moderate Acne are antimicrobial creams and retinoid creams. Apart from this there are also many oral medicines available for this moderate Acne. Treatment for a Mild Case In the case of mild Acne you should properly wash your face with gentle facial wash and only apply warm water on your affected area as many times as you can in a day. It is recommended that the patient those who are suffering from mild Acne should utilize skin cream like benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid. Some helpful tips: If you are suffering from the problem of pimples then you should avoid pinching them or else it may make the condition worsen. If you pinch the pimples then the oil produced by the pimples will be scattered to all parts of your face and with those oils again a new pimple will be generated. So, avoid pinching them. You should try to use ice pack around the pimples after every 30 minutes and put them over the face for 4 minutes each time. However, it will not eliminate your pimple totally but yes it will help you to make the pimples less visible. This is one of the most improved and natural home remedies for zits. The best Acne Solution for you is consuming healthy food and it is the most beneficial and appropriate way to eliminate zits. If you follow all the above mentioned tips then definitely you will notice the difference in few days. If your zits are big and reddish then you should consult any expert skin specialist who can recommend you the perfect Acne Solution for your problem. Also don’t forget to follow the aforementioned natural home remedies for your Acne problem. provide services Acne and Acne Solution.
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