Research and studies are not quite sure of what really gives cause to an ADHD. Though many tests have been made and result to reasoning that genes mainly have a major part in the formation of the disorder. Like any other illnesses and disorder, ADHD can be caused by various associated factors and elements. With regard to genes, studies and research are still considering the probable environmental factors as well as social factors, including the lifestyle of the ADHD patient that may add to the disorder. When we speak of genetic issues, these are what we inherited from our parents especially the traits and behaviors. Genes are our blueprints of who we really are. Genes. Results from several international studies of twins show that ADHD often runs in families. Currently, researchers are still studying with the genes that may develop and bring rise to ADHD because there is a great probability that genes can be a cure for ADHD. When it comes to environmental factors, studies show that there is a potential relation between alcohol and nicotine taken by a pregnant mother and that may cause an Attention Deficit Disorder to her child. At the same time, children with great exposure to lead level may develop ADHD symptoms and be diagnosed with the disorder later. On the other hand, children who have undergone or are currently suffering from brain injuries may have behaviors and traits alike to that of an ADHD. Yet, there are only a small percentage of children diagnosed with ADHD who experienced a fatal and traumatic brain injury because of the disorder. It has been believed that refined sugar causes ADHD. However, studies and research prove this to be wrong. Because of the belief, researchers made a test of having the children eat sugar or give them foods with a large component of sugar. As a result, children given with that sugar-containing food exhibited no difference when it comes to their behaviors, specifically their attention level and hyperactivity compared to those children who were not given the sugar. Also, a British study showed how food additives are related to ADHD. The results of the research illustrated that there is a probable association between the consumption and intake of food additives like artificial food colorings and preservatives that may cause the hyperactivity of ADHD patients if taken excessively. The study is being developed still to give more knowledge on the relationship of food additives with ADHD. For more transforming strategies for ADHD, visit
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