There are many tools of divination available to those who wish to seek them out, but one of the most iconic and easy to learn is the deck of Tarot. In beginning to understand Tarot, there are four suits: swords, cups, wands and pentacles, as well as Major Arcana, iconic cards that have a whole different series of meanings in the deck and are universally considered the more important part of the deck. In continuing study of the Major Arcana, next is the 15 Card, Devil. Of the most invocative cards of the Tarot deck, the Devil card is often considered as frightening, if not moreso than the Death card. The imagery is striking, showing a menacing Satyr with bat wings, while a naked man and woman are chained beneath his hoofed feet, looking miserable and forlorn. However, menacing as the imagery may be, the interpretation of the card is not nearly as literal as it would seem. The Devil card is not representative of the fallen angel, but rather that as a next step in one's life journey, the darker aspects of an individual will be tested, utilised and in some situations, required to successfully pass this point in one's journey. This can be on an individual level, or sometimes, as a whole. To channel these darker forces, these are often aspects of one's consciousness known as the Id, where more primal emotions and desires can remain. The fascinating aspect of this card is that the journey will require you to come to terms and look into the more negative and dark aspects of humanity, so that you may learn the benefits and the dangers of the negative aspects of mankind. In a Tarot reading, the Devil will encourage you to accept this and to rise to the needs of the situation so that you can assist in whatever capacity you need to. If you have this card appear in a reading, then this is a sign that you need to look to what you can do for others and that even if you feel imprisoned, you must overcome this more primitive and primal urge. This card represents a close attachment to material goods, one that is too close and will interfere with important aspects of your life journey. Sometimes it may represent an addiction of some kind, or a harmful relationship that you must begin to repair or move away from. If you're confined by your fear, you might be unhappy. The key words for the Devil card are as follows: restriction, self-indulgence, materialism, temptation, addiction, co-dependency, confinement, and inner demons. When the Devil card is reversed or ill-dignified, the card has dual meaning, both negative and positive aspects. The positive aspect is that you have been able to or are close to overcoming the restraints in your life and freeing yourself, so you are no longer going to be controlled by any of those dark impulses you have in life. Negatively, the Devil reversed can represent that you have too much of an attachment to something. The key words for the Devil reversed are as follows: freedom from bondage, being too rigid, abusing a position, ambition and confronting fears. The author specialises in tarot readings, including love tarot. For more information, check:
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