I was saying the same question 12 months ago but here I am 200 blog posts later. Now, for some professional writers and authors that is just a drop in the bucket compared to what they may have written. But I am not a professional writer and neither are most network marketers who get online looking for ways to market their business. In this article I will be covering how to write a article and break it down for you in 4 easy steps that I follow which helps me to write articles, clear writer's mental block, save time and gets four of my articles featured in Betternetworker. Yes These 4 Easy Steps Helped Me with How To Write A Article And They Will Work For YOU Too!! How To Write A Article by Following A 4 Step Process Getting online doesn't mean you need to be a professional writer to write articles. By following a simple outline you can write articles quicker, save time and keep your writing on the fast track. Trust me, I know what I am saying as most of my earlier articles were disorganized and confusing. Follow these 4 easy steps to lay out your article: Title - Having a well written, eye catching Title is what will keep you in the game. Having a killer title is the key to getting that website visitor to read more. Body - After your title, the next important part of your article is your first paragraph. The 1st paragraph should help identify the readers questions of what, when, where, who, why and how. Your first paragraph is a mini summary of your article. Signature - Your personal signature file or resource box can be your little advertisement that points someone to your website. Call To Action - This is the point of the whole article. Everything you have written up to this point should lead your visitor to this moment. Now if you have captured your visitors attention and they have come to this point this is where you will tell them to take action and click on the following link. Ok, you have your topic and your keywords and now you have a guide on how to write a article: create your article title, create a brief outline for your article body and call to action then fill your outline with content. It's that easy. Why don't we get article rocking, get your pen and papers, place your body down in front of your pc and get going on those blog posts with an all new outlook on how to write a article. Begin right now by placing the pen to the paper. Happy Writing and best of luck in your efforts. Learn more about "How To Write A Article" and article marketing, finish reading the rest of this article at The Handyman Of Network Marketing's Website. Discover the secrets to grow your network marketing business online.
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