Patience is a quality that distinguishes successful people in life. They are unswerving or undeterred from their purpose and plan, even in the face of difficulties. Stickability to your desired end will make it come to pass. Patience and endurance is required to make better your staying power. Staying power is the ability and capability to stick to with something to the very end, despite the degree of oppositions. Nothing great has ever been achieved without endurance. Some people fail in life because they give up too soon; they have not learnt to follow on course until successful. Don’t give up when problems show up in your life. Overcoming trials gives you triumphs, surmounting obstacles brings you miracles and winning tests colors your testimonies. When life throw stones at you, turn them into stepping stones and when it hand you a lemon, make lemonade. You have the strength and courage to endure challenging situation and also the ability to overcome and emerge a victor from the battles of life. All things are yours! It is time to command your favorable situations and rise above every limitation on your way to success. Some people give up what they are pursuing at the slightest sign of trouble, don’t give up when the going becomes tough because you may need to fight a battle more than once to win it. Awaken the sleeping giant in you, maximize your potentials and give your best to what you do and surely you will be crowned with success. Activate your faith, and let your staying power be combined with hope so that you can create a better future and come out a victor from the midst of the storm. You are coming out a super success, nothing can hold you back. Know you that the test of your staying power/ability determines your greater glory and this colors your future. You are powerful! You have the ability and capability to exert effort for a glorious purpose and achieve greater. Discover, pursue and fulfill your purpose in life! This is time for achievement, accomplishment and actualization, know what you want and unflinchingly go after it with undying passion and conviction. Do/give your best and expect the best result. Be enthusiastic because enthusiasm is incredibly contagious. Be optimistic and realistic as you give your best to the job, hang in tenaciously and keep hope alive. Always remember that you are the person responsible for how you feel; overlook the lying vanities for, there is a thriving reality that you staying power will help you to be flushed with success in accordance with your hearts desire. You are the choicest of the best; look forward and be upward. Do not give up; no matter how difficult the situation seems, all mountains will surely be turned to a plain for you. Create your state if victorship and enjoy victorhood. To really develop and harness your staying power, you must be at the driver’s seat of your life and lead the authorship your own destiny. At this point, I must not fail to tell you to gird your loins, take responsibility of the leadership your higher life. You are a success and an overcomer; a higherlifer who is a person of note and whose noteworthy legacies are worthy of emulation. The color of your future must be chosen by you and the paint brush held in your own hand to paint the canvas of your greater and glorious future. It is unfortunate that many people give up the fight without knowing how close they were to the victory trophy and the winnership of the test. Never give up, no matter the intensity of the challenge. The overcoming of a challenge makes you a champion and an overcomer. Do not be intimidated out of your dreams by the happenings in life. Live your beautiful life! You are not ordinary, realize and utilize your staying power to be up and up, hit the mark, make the grade, be a name to conjure with and immortalize your name and success eternally. Be the best, you are going higher and stronger as you make the wisdom and intelligence in this life-changing article part of your life and every other thing will fall into pleasant places for you. © IFEANYI ENOCH ONUOHA
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