In the hobby and business of indoor gardening the use of ballasts to initiate and control lighting is crucial to effective yield. When considering the lighting system, it is important to note which type of bulbs you are using. There are two types of bulbs used for indoor gardening: High Pressure Sodium, or HPS, and Metal Halide, MH. To ignite the bulb and control the bulbs’ light output, you need to use an electronic digital ballast. However, you will need to use the right ballast for the right bulb. Therefore, for MH bulbs, you will need an MH ballast and for HPS bulbs an HPS ballast. The type of bulb you choose to use for your indoor gardening endeavours is dictated by the type of plant you plan on growing. For vegetable-type plants, the MH bulbs are more suitable to growth due to the spectrum of light they produce, which is in the blue-white range. Flowering plants thrive much better under HPS lamps due to the amber-white light they produce. Each bulb puts out a specific spectrum of light that is more easily converted over to energy by the particular plant that receives it. However, in general terms, either type of bulb will produce good results regardless of the plants you are trying to grow. However, if you want the best results possible, then you should use the right bulb for the right plant. The digital electronic ballasts that start and control the lights are specific to the type of bulb they are attached to. If you are using MH bulbs, then you should be using MH ballasts. If you are using HPS bulbs, then you will need to use HPS ballasts. The circuitry in each type of ballast is designed to be most efficient with the bulb it is connected to. This doesn’t mean, though, that if you have five MH bulbs and five HPS bulbs you need five MH ballasts and five HPS ballasts. Modern electronics and manufacturing methods have designed a solution for you. Many high-quality digital electronic ballasts are MH and HPS specific. But there are also many top quality electronic ballasts that are able to control both types of bulbs. Some of these are switchable, so that if you connect them to an MH bulb, you select an MH setting. The same goes for HPS bulbs. And of course you can opt for digital electronic ballasts that automatically switch from MH to HPS, being able to detect what type bulb they are controlling. So choosing between MH ballasts and HPS ballasts does not have to be confusing, and there is help out there. When you visit a website of a dealer of ballasts, check the specifications of the ballasts they sell. Product descriptions should indicate if the product is an MH ballast or an HPS ballast. A seller of top quality ballasts will indicate this information. If the ballast does both MH and HPS, that also should be indicated. If this information is not listed on the website, simply contact the vendor and ask what type of ballast it is, or if it does both. The best vendor will be more than happy to answer your questions so you can determine exactly what type of ballast you need. The best quality ballasts, whether MH ballasts for vegetable-type plants, HPS ballasts for flowering-type plants, or combination MH/HPS ballasts, will not only produce plants with faster and larger growth, but will run cool and quiet, and increase the output of the bulbs without increasing your electricity bill. Better yield and lower costs are very possible simply but using the best ballasts you can buy, which surprisingly, can be very affordable. Remember, MH ballasts for vegetables, HPS ballasts for plants, or combination MN/HPS ballasts will run whatever type of bulbs you choose to use. Do your research and ask your questions. Then get ready to start growing! For more information on MH Ballasts or HPS Ballasts visit this site!
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