The year 2011 brought about a drastic change in the way people perceived the mobile application development industry. Addressing the surging demand of this competitive industry, Google and Apple entered the cut-throat competition. Almost for every leading smart phone company, the year 2011 brought patent law suits—Apple against Android, Microsoft against Motorola and so on. 2011 has been a terrific year in terms of mobile technology. With all its ups and downs, consumers welcomed varied smart phone devices, applications, service and technology with more zeal than ever before. While the first billion of devices took 19 years of acceptance, the last billion took only 12 months. Vacation season led to the super sale of devices and application downloads. It happened for the first time that the application downloads crossed the bench mark of one billion in an extremely low time frame. With such a boom in the industry, what could be next? The next is even better. The term smart phone is soon to be replaced by super phones. Super phone is the term mooted by Apple, which simply means a more intelligent and responsive mobile system. Mobile application developers take a bigger challenge of showcasing an awe-inspiring talent supporting the mobile application development for the super phones. This is expected soon after the first quarter of 2012. 2012 brings good news for retailers. Although Google wallet kicked off this summer, retailers are awaiting the implementation of mobile payment using NFC (Near Field Communication technology). According to 2012 mobile industry predictions survey, mobile commerce will remain a big focus for businesses and consumers alike. Predictors anticipate the unlimited internet data plan—stalled in the second half of 2011—will continue this season. With better purchase power and Windows merging with Nokia—one of the top smart phone device makers, we predict that Microsoft is ready for a greater acquisition. In terms of Windows mobile sale, 2012 is going to exit better. There is a mix of reviews for mobile web and mobile apps development. While some say offshore mobile development will remain dominant, others view mobile web as a better future prospect. Mobile application developer’s association is to launch next. The former Digital Media Association executive director Jon Potter is leading this new association, which is to launch next week at the 2012 Consumer Electronics show in Las Vegas. The alliance will look forward on development on iOS, Android and RIM platforms. Its key services will include a collaboration network, multiple platforms and advanced tools for testing, cloud hosting services, discounted certification and training programs. The goal will be to organize the Mobile Phone applications development team. A plateful of new technology is approaching the mobile industry. With the pace in which the mobile industry is moving now, we are soon to see yet another revolution in the wireless industry in 2012. Let’s embrace the change for the good!
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