Veronica Hearst is one of such individuals who, through her efforts have contributed a lot towards the reduction in sufferings of fellow human beings in need. She founded American Hunger Alliance (AHA) with an objective to provide prepared food to the poverty stricken people irrespective of their color or creed. She had been very determined to take the cause of poverty alleviation to the streets so that with the participation of common man, the fight could become lot easier. The fight against hunger is not a single man’s battle. It had to be fought on large scale if it is to be won. A healthier youth is a foundation for a stronger nation. The nutrition is very critical factor which plays an important role in making a healthy young generation. The children who are affected by malnutrition during their early development stages tend to perform poor in their later educational pursuits. The undernourished children are more likely to catch diseases than those who were well fed during their childhood. Veronica is of the view that providing a balanced diet to young children under the age of 4 is a valuable investment which can produce good results. It can reduce overall child mortality rate, and cause lesser expenses on health at national level. The vision of Veronica is very unique. Through a number of studies on food requirements, especially in the context of growing children she has developed and improved a nutritional program in order to make it a role model for others. Under her able leadership, the American Hunger Alliance (AHA) has made significant inroads in creating a strong impact on the future children of America. If we have people like Veronica among us, then we can be assured that the fight against hunger and poverty can reap us substantial rewards, and there will be day when all hungry will sleep with full stomach. ">The number of people who sleep hungry in America is quite significant contrary to the popular belief that poverty is nonexistent in the American society. Yet we find many individuals who rise above material rewards and dedicate their lives to eradicate poverty from the country. Veronica Hearst is one of such individuals who, through her efforts have contributed a lot towards the reduction in sufferings of fellow human beings in need. She founded American Hunger Alliance (AHA) with an objective to provide prepared food to the poverty stricken people irrespective of their color or creed. She had been very determined to take the cause of poverty alleviation to the streets so that with the participation of common man, the fight could become lot easier. The fight against hunger is not a single man’s battle. It had to be fought on large scale if it is to be won. A healthier youth is a foundation for a stronger nation. The nutrition is very critical factor which plays an important role in making a healthy young generation. The children who are affected by malnutrition during their early development stages tend to perform poor in their later educational pursuits. The undernourished children are more likely to catch diseases than those who were well fed during their childhood. Veronica is of the view that providing a balanced diet to young children under the age of 4 is a valuable investment which can produce good results. It can reduce overall child mortality rate, and cause lesser expenses on health at national level. The vision of Veronica is very unique. Through a number of studies on food requirements, especially in the context of growing children she has developed and improved a nutritional program in order to make it a role model for others. Under her able leadership, the American Hunger Alliance (AHA) has made significant inroads in creating a strong impact on the future children of America. If we have people like Veronica among us, then we can be assured that the fight against hunger and poverty can reap us substantial rewards, and there will be day when all hungry will sleep with full stomach.
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Veronica, Hearst,