The power of the human mind is astonishing. You’re aware of your conscious mind, the part of you that is knowingly reading this right now, but your collective subconscious mind is of its own volition, and doesn’t always agree with your conscious desires. Try as you might, you aren’t really in control of your subconscious mind which greatly influences your behavior. Hypnosis can greatly help to modify unconscious fears such as fear of expression or flying, and can also assist in directing your mind toward other goals, but subconscious defense patterns are much more complex and are much tougher to modify. Handwriting analysis by a well-trained professional is very effective in delineating subconscious fears and defenses. Below are 4 startling examples--the scary truth--of how your subconscious mind prevails and even rules your life. 1. Although seemingly noble, trying to never think about sex with anyone but your spouse or significant other is impossible, as are other attempts at rigid sexual morality. Why? Because your true (subconscious) feelings and human instinct aren’t in accordance with that strict moral notion--it’s natural to think, even fantasize sexually about people other than your spouse. While you chain your conscious mind in a box, your subconscious mind has a swinging singles party and the ensuing conflict in your mind wrecks havoc on your life; eventually that shadow-self you repress makes an appearance and crashes your morality construct. 2. You decide that from now on you’ll never get upset or angry and forever project blissful compassion. The problem is that it’s perfectly natural to feel “negative” emotions, and then to constructively express them. If you refuse to acknowledge your not so sweet feelings and stuff them down deep inside, eventually you’ll experience the beach ball under water effect: you’ll blow up at someone or otherwise inappropriately lose your cool, maybe in a case of road rage, or worse. 3. It’s better to put on a happy face instead of letting others see the sadness you’ve been holding at bay, or is it? Really, everyone wants to see you smile, but stuffing that inner disappointment only saps your energy. It’s much better to admit to yourself that despair is acceptable, then get in touch with it and deal with it effectively. Note: unrealistic expectations tend to foster disenchantment, so keep them in check. 4. “Selflessness” is often really a healthy form of selfishness. Does anyone really believe that “selflessness” exists? Look, we’ve always advocated helping those in need, but helping others feels good and is a motivator to continue, not to mention an effort to avoid guilt for not helping others, so it’s not really selflessness. While expressing unconditional love to those close to you may be interpreted as “selfless,” that’s a different matter, in our view. There’s nothing wrong with self interest, as it makes the world go around. The problem is denying self interest, which then manifests in some nasty forms down the road, such as a hard-core advocate of some cause projecting his or her (natural) selfishness onto innocent parties, generating unnecessary strife. In summary, stop holding yourself hostage to your conscious mind’s demands that conflict with your hidden, more potent mind, the subconscious. In acknowledging your mind’s “not so nice” impressions, and learning to accept and detach from them, it will give you greater peace of mind in the long run. Copyright © Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo Free report: 13 Spiritual and New Age Myths and 11 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Psychic, plus Numerology Decoder Software and more.
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