TipsTimes.Com Fourth Monday on October Fourth Monday on October always become Pink Ribbon Day, to support of awareness, research, generates a range of activities with an education and fundraising focus for research about diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer. Top People Wearing the Pink Ribbons Right now, the famous people in movie industry and corporations are showing their support of many different ways. One of them and the most popular one is the breast cancer ribbon you will see the top people wearing the pink ribbons on their fancy designer gowns when they walk down the Red Carpet at the Oscar's or Emmy's. They are proud to show their fans that they care about a breast cancer issue. Pink ribbon become international symbol in the whole world, the unique is no one, company, organization or foundation owns the rights of pink ribbon, but they can made version of the pink ribbon and this will give them the rights reserved on their copyright, this why you may see different pink ribbons version. The Symbols on Everywhere These times everywhere you could see pink ribbons on jewelry, car magnets, symbols on grocery products, and major companies displaying them on their advertisements. The symbols is telling us to care about and finding a cure for breast cancer. If you see someone wears pink ribbon that is showing and telling to all people about your own personal experiences with breast cancer issue. Where the Money Goes? Every singles pink ribbon you share or using a corporate one, that’s means you are showing your support, and money from sell will given to breast cancer research to help those looking for a cure for all of us. By proudly wearing your ribbon you help to increase your community’s breast cancer awareness and support breast cancer research at the same time. what are you waiting for? Just pick one up and show your support. At these times is really rare that you do not know someone that has been touched by breast cancer. It is like miracles if you survived the ordeal and is back to living a fairly normal life. A lot of people have lost someone close to them; it’s hard because we know that early detection might have saved them. You might be interested to see: · Tips to Have Cancer Free Life · Tips to Know Female Breast Cancer Symptoms · Tips to Scar Therapy on Breast Tissue · Tips to Know Causes of Cysts in Breasts For further information about breast cancer please check at Breast Cancer Category
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