Did you ever think that a Facebook post or a text message about your big night in Chicago might put you in need of a criminal defense attorney? Did you know that the phone company can tell authorities where you have been based on information from your cell phone? You don’t even need to talk on the phone for cell phone towers to track your location. Have you ever put your own name or the name of a friend into an Internet search engine? Some people are surprised at what they find. Have you ever posted anything like this to Facebook or Twitter: “Oh, man, so wasted last night. Dropped off the girlfriend, drove home, then passed out in bed.” What many people do not realize is that when they broadcast this kind of information, they are making it available not only to their buddies, but to the whole world. Sometimes they think it doesn’t matter, that they don’t care who sees it. However, if they are ever charged with a crime, it might matter once police or a prosecuting attorney get a hold of the information. The law allows for the police department or the District Attorney’s office to pore over your cell phone records, Facebook account, even your Tweets, and anything that they find that could incriminate you can be admitted as evidence. They can even look at those things to find possible witnesses and then subpoena friends and relatives based on your “friends” or “followers.” A good rule of thumb is to never put anything into public view even on a text message that you wouldn’t want your mom or your clergyperson to see or read. If it should happen that you are ever arrested on a criminal offense, the police and prosecutors will be looking for anything that they can use as evidence against you, including any information they can glean from social networking sites. Fortunately, your defense attorney will also have access to this information, so it is possible that there is data that can also be used in your defense. If you have been accused of a crime in the Chicago area, it is imperative to contact a criminal defense attorney in Chicago as soon as possible. The prosecution will have already amassed a substantial amount of evidence against you, so you will want a criminal defense attorney who is familiar with the Chicago courts to begin to work on your case as soon as possible. Your criminal defense attorney has the expertise to counter claims that the prosecution might make regarding your alleged whereabouts based on cell phone records. Your criminal defense attorney will also know how to defend your rights and to get the best possible outcome for you in your case. Remember, keep your private information private, and if you are facing criminal charges, contact a criminal defense attorney in Chicago who can ably navigate the court system on your behalf. For more information visit : http://esocialbookmarks.net/Lawyers%20and%20Law%20Firms
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