This Hojo Motor review looks at the well-known Hojo Magnetic Motor that was created by Howard Johnson has been the guide that has been extremely useful many people all over the world in the production of their own energy at home that is free of cost. The handbook gives you information as to how to make your very own energy so that you are able to reduce and even get rid of your electricity bill. The motor he created comes with a patented magnetic generator as has gotten three US patents. The Hojo motor utilizes not one group but two groups of magnets which are positioned around a rotor. These are stator magnets which are in a drum and there is a moving drum inside which creates the rotor. A little push is usually all that is needed to start the motor once the magnets are in proper alignment. In order to produce free electricity, you will then need to affix a rubber belt unto the motor and then fit this to the generator The book has two versions of generators with the first one being highly developed and the second one a simpler version. The latter is not as hard to build and is also less functional than the more advanced version. The package gives you clear step by step guide as well as the plans. You will have to be the one to build the motor as it is not assembled for you, and this is not mentioned in the advertisements too notably. However, you do get clear instructions as to how to build it and the components to build the motor are very accessible. It is not as difficult to build the motor as you may have thought. Even if you are not inclined mechanically, you can still assemble this motor, and it will all be worth the effort at the end after you have managed to assemble the motor. Just think of the effectual source of fuel you will now have in your home and that alone should serve to make the assembly something you do not even think twice about. The motor is quiet and compact and is accessible via download. Nevertheless, there are big energy companies are not too pleased about individuals being able to create their own electricity at home. As such, the internet may not still be accessible online for too long. Pros: - Produces free electricity for your home.
- Only "free energy" device with 3 U.S. Patents to back it!.
- Easy to build.
- The Plans are easy to follow.
- Lowered my bills!
- ..write whatever you want (these are just typical results people have that use the HoJo Motor)…
- etc
Cons: - You will need to follow the plans closely if you don't have building experience.
- Many of your family and friends won't believe that you built a working magnetic motor till they see it in person!
- **note it's good to have a few cons to seem more unbiased. But you obviously don't want to say really bad things about the product..
Get more information about Hojo Motor Review here! The motor is quiet and compact and is accessible via download. Nevertheless, there are big energy companies are not too pleased about individuals being able to create their own electricity at home.Get more information about Hojo Motor here!
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