Nutrition plays a very important role in our physical body’s existence and survival on Earth. There is a saying, mostly of Hindu or Eastern origin that tells us, “We become what we eat”. That is the reason why many Hindu monks are pure vegetarians and do not eat “savage animal” meat. It is a subject of discussion that is baffling because striking a balance on the diet could be most difficult with one important food group absent. Modern dieticians and nutritionists emphasize that there is no “bad” food. The three food groups must be present in our diet to stay healthy and fit. However, depending on an individual’s genetic and physical make-up, lifestyle and outlook in life, diet can be designed and programmed so health and fitness is attained and maintained. Nutritionists, because of their expertise in diet design and programming, may not entirely contradict the Eastern belief that we become what we eat except perhaps on the issue of the “savage animal”. It is not recommended to eat the meat of lions and tigers, anyway. While it is true that there is no bad food, there are certain kinds of food that may not be ingested by particular individuals such as those suffering from allergies and other ailments. We often hear patients confide that the doctor does not “allow” them to eat pork, especially the fatty parts. Diabetics are advised against too much sugar and sweets. How sad, but most of these cases have been caused by abuse or improper consumption of food. In other words, diseases contracted due to malnutrition. There are many more diet- and nutrition-related diseases such as gall stones. After “surgery” which may be by incision to get to the nuisance or the more modern shockwave method, the physician absolutely forbids the patient to eat canned and junk food. A very sad scenario since some canned and junk foodstuffs are really delights to the palate. As an average person, can you bear to part with your favourite but forbidden food? It may sound stupid but many cannot and will not, even with the knowledge that it could shorten their lives or give them agonising pain and suffering in the future. The same reason why many people, particularly women, who lament they cannot control overeating which makes attainment of that “hot” body impossible. There must be something that can make us come to our senses and reinforce the will to have proper diet and nutrition to stay healthy and fit. For expert help, we need dieticians and nutritionists. They have the right prescription to explain to us the rationale and help us develop a deep awareness of the need for a sensible diet, lifestyle and nutrition for an active, happy and healthy existence. Do you want get more out of life? can help you with your diet and nutrition and get you feeling healthy and young again. Whether you are looking for Nutritionists or Weight Loss Brisbane they will have it covered.
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