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Pedicure Deals / Pedicure Deal by Harold Campbell

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Pedicure Deals / Pedicure Deal by
Article Posted: 12/08/2011
Article Views: 115
Articles Written: 258
Word Count: 814
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Pedicure Deals / Pedicure Deal

Pedicures - Benefits, Variations and Afterwards

Who doesn't love wearing sandals when it's warm and who doesn't love to have attractive feet when it's not? Well pedicures offer people the chance to indulge in some attractive foot time and have cool comfortable feet. which will undoubtedly be the best they've ever been.

Hiding your shoes away in boots all winter generally means they don't get the loving care they deserve. However there is no better way to cheer yourself up than with a pedicure. Winter can be a dull time, however treatments such as pedicures, especially of you get a pedicure deal can brighten proceedings up.

Benefits of Pedicures

It's fantastic having attractive feet, however toes looking after your toes is more than merely skin deep and there are health benefits from a pedicure or pedicure deals. Looking after your feet can ward off problems with those essential parts of the anatomy - the feet. Cracked feet and infections in the toes can be very dehabilitating and a pedicure can offer a great way to prevent such horrible issues coming about. Millions of people complain of foot pain each year, with over one fifth of Americans doing so and god knows how many Irish people considering the damp cold conditions of our own country.

Refreshing, cleaning and looking after tired feet can be the way to cure such ails. Pedicure deals mean it doesn't even have to be expensive to do so and it is possible to save around 90 per cent off the price of these treatments with such deals.

Fish Pedicure deals

Pedicures can also be given through the less than traditional Asian means of Guffa Raja. You may not be familiar with the name, but you will be with the concept. Guffa Raja is where specific breeds of carp eat at your feet's skin. This procedure involves people placing their feet in a large filtered tank and awaiting dozens of fish to eat at the hard calices on the skin.

Guffa Raja is 100 per cent safe and the fist will eat away the hard skin and also promote the blood flow in the feet. These sort of pedicure deals are commonly available across the country with daily deals and offer a different, but altogether exciting experience for people as a gift, or for yourself as a treat.

Traditional Pedicures

Traditional pedicures will look after the whole foot area and will involve a wide range of procedures. The nails are looked after with this treatment in a very similar way to that of a manicure. Nails are cut, shortened and shaped. The cuticle or piece of skin below the nail is pushed back and the nails are cleaned and looked after. This all makes them look a lot better, should you bear them, gives you self confidence and is an overall relaxing procedure which many people will thoroughly enjoy.

Feet are also often massaged with a food pedicure and reflexology techniques are used, just as they are in traditional manicures. The person will feel a sense of relaxation and joy as a foot massage is stimulating one of the most sensitive areas of the body and so has heady effects.

Pedicure deals and the therapists will often use different sorts of lotions to look after the skin on the feet. As the area is susceptible to some of the harshest issues all of the body feels, feet need to be looked after and a softening treatment with oil or moisturiser can often be worth its weight in gold.

Looking After yourself Afterwards

After a treatment you will want your feet to remain in top condition and it is quite easy to do so. Applying cream on a regular basis to moisturise and look after the side and base of feet is important, as is using a good quality polish, should you wish to do so. This is as nail polish often cracks. It is possible to use hand cream on feet, though washing and drying with a soft towel does really help, as does ensuring nails are a reasonable length. Pumice stones also help and regular use can keep feet soft and supple.

As is clear, looking after skin is not costly, or that time consuming but can have great benefits for health and beauty and is a great way to relax. So, get a pedicure deal today with daily deals.


The Article is written by Cormac Reynolds at providing and aggregation of Daily Deals, Hotel Deals, Holiday Deals, Spa Deals including pedicure deals. Visit for more information on Products & Services. Copyright information. This article is free for reproduction but must be reproduced in its entirety, including live links & this copyright statement must be included. Visit for all your daily deals in one place and in one email.

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