If you're thinking about getting a pet hamster, you'll need to choose carefully about the hamster cage you're going to get for him. Today, there is a wide variety of designs available so choosing one can seem like a daunting task. First of all, you need to decide on the hamster you're going to get as the requirements for Syrian hamsters and dwarf hamsters do differ, which many people don't realise. Syrian hamster cages are often not suitable for dwarf hamsters as bar spacing, ladders and tubes may be too large whilst dwarf hamster cages will be too small for a Syrian to live in comfortably. Aquariums Aquariums made from either plastic or glass often make suitable hamster cages. Plastic is lighter than glass which makes it easier to clean and transport although glass does not scratch as easily. Both types of aquariums are draft proof and have entire solid sides which means that sawdust and bedding remain inside the cage rather than all over the floor of the surrounding area in your home. Aquariums tend to make very spacious homes for hamsters, although with no bars on which to clip hamster water bottles, a bottle with suction caps will be required. A free standing hamster exercise wheel will also be needed, as aquariums do not have an area for attaching them. It is essential that hamsters are provided with exercise wheels as they are an extremely important part of your hamster's home, helping to keep him both mentally and physically stimulated whilst he's in his habitat. Obviously it's important to ensure that the aquarium has a secure and well ventilated lid from which hamsters cannot escape. Solid lids are not suitable for hamsters as they cause condensation, creating a damp habitat whilst hamsters originate from deserts and are happier and healthier in dry environments. Traditional Hamster Cages The more traditional hamster cage is usually made with a wire top and a plastic base tray. The bars are great for gnawing on, helping to keep your hamster's teeth in good condition, although the noise of this can become quite tiresome! However, the wire bars also provide lots of opportunities for exercising, allowing hamsters to climb and offering plenty of areas in which to hang hamster treats and toys. The plastic bases are easy to remove which makes cleaning easy, although thanks to the wire bars, the area surrounding the cage will probably need a good sweep too after sawdust and bedding has been scattered around. Wire hamster cages are more suitable for the larger Syrian hamsters, although they are usually not suitable for dwarf hamsters who may escape through the bars, or become stuck attempting to. Themed Hamster CagesThese hamster cages have been designed with specific themes in mind, the most famous being the Rotastak hamster cages which are available in various themes such as space, princess, pirate and even a creepy castle design! These cages tend to have lots of different compartments, joined with tubes. Series' of tubes simulate the natural burrows of rodents in the wild, encouraging your hamster to display natural behaviour. However, cages that contain lots of tubing may be a littler more difficult to clean out. It is essential to ensure that any tubing is an adequate size for your hamster to pass through without becoming stuck. Themed hamster cages tend to be clear, allowing you to watch your hamster as he explores and plays, although it is always important to provide hamsters with an enclosed area in which they can sleep, providing them with a sense of privacy and security. Each of the different types of hamster cages have their advantages and disadvantages, and there is no rule as to which you should choose. It's up to you to consider which type of habitat would be more suitable for both you and your new pet. There are hundreds of different hamster cage accessories available for each type of hamster home, ranging from tubing, ladders and bridges to separate levels, sleeping areas and extensions, which can all be used to add enrichment to your hamster's cage, providing more places to explore for countless adventures. For a massive range of fantastic hamster products, please visit www.netpetshop.co.uk , where you'll find the best items for less, keeping both you and your pet occupied and turning him into one happy hamster! visit us at http://www.netpetshop.co.uk/ http://www.netpetshop.co.uk/c-627-hamster-and-gerbil-cages.aspx Jackie Sheppard is a veteran in the field of ">http://www.netpetshop.co.uk"> Pet Supplies,She is the brand manager with ww.netpetshop.co.uk, UK’s one of most trusted online pet supplies store. Netpetshop stocks a huge range of Hamster Cages.
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