Much has been said of the demon banks and the shoddy way in which they have conducted their affairs, and the influence and control of our economies so much so they have left us with no other option but to pick up the pieces when the debacle happened. Such is the immoral way in which they have acted that countless people have been thrown out of work, with the rest of us living off the minimum wage just to survive. The banks in their arrogant ways, in all their tenacity have continued to operate within their pay structure as if nothing has happened! The banks corporate greed continues as bonuses still beggar belief. The very people that the banks serve matter diddly squat. Loans are still difficult to come by, small businesses are at best stifled for expansion leaving dole queues to expand relentlessly. Mortgages are only granted in miniscule amounts making it almost impossible to get onto the property ladder. The prevailing economic climate is forcing individual who need to sell their properties, those owners who are lucky enough to own property, to then dump that property in a poor market at a knock down value, if they have to sell to realize their equity. The headline banners reporting bonuses as if they were telephone numbers continues, these guys have no shame and governments are weak to tackle this issue under the guise that the banks will move to more accommodating regions, disgraceful in every respect. I for one want to see more transparency into the global machinations of the banking sector, I want to understand the greed that continues for the self serving interests that is rife amongst these individuals. I want to see a clear demarcation on the morality of their behaviors that stop at nothing to secure a profit for their insatiable greed, in short I want to know just how many businesses and economies that are viable are then ruined through the relentless speculation of an asset class which then ruins or undermines a perfectly sound economy or business. Frightening as it may seem but greedy speculators drive activity in our daily food stuff, this is known as the grain and bean complex, here they can speculate on the weather patterns that affect our very crops and drive these prices to record levels. So whats the issue? The issue is clear many Millions of people are deprived of basic foodstuff as the grain and bean complex swings in and out of their affordable range, governments of the world get a grip this unethical and immoral behavior has to stop! I want Morale ownership and I want it now! I also want to see just how much of the world’s economies that Goldman Sachs controls. I also need to understand just what decisions are taken at Davros on behalf of the corporate fat cats and how these decisions influence our so called elected leaders and how they then get translated so that they affect me/us, my children. More and more the world’s population is fated by their lot as they pass through this money hungry greed filled life that we all aspire to. Needless to say I do have some sympathy with the demonstrations that are taking place globally, however, I am at a loss to understand how some érbert in a brown duffle coat and an unkemped beard can be leading the need for change, particularly when that érbert nods approvingly at every inane comment that the prevailing authority dribbles out, as he clearly does not understanding the discussion at hand. They should pack their tents and then lobby through the appropriate channels. They should elect themselves through the ballet box, god knows the world needs a party that truly is not self serving or scared to breathe in case the media catch their every foible. We need a party that is not funded by the very greed that is stifling you and I. Groan over! A small business in need of respiteLuxury Villas in Seminyak
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