Does property beckon? - Europe and all of its calamities, daunting experience with no going back. Can this be right? First time in 54 years that I have had no home in what is affectionately known as Blighty, I have sold up and traveled to pastures new. The UK may be steeped in culture, populated with Palaces and Castles, it might be a green and pleasant land but full of opportunities it is not. To the ambitious entrepreneur it holds little by way of excitement and opportunity. The UK is shackled by corporate business and greed leaving the little guy to flounder and peddling so hard to pay their fuel bills as they heat their homes throughout what has now become harsh winters. Excessive fuel bills to travel to and from work which is a mortgage in itself and hardly makes the experience worthwhile. Home ownership once the dream of many inspired by Maggie during the infamous Thatcher years. This brainchild was really if the truth be known intended to lock everyone into huge debt so much so that they had no choice but to work within constrained corporate process orientated companies so they can earn every available penny to fund their homes and family lives. We are in a dream coz when we finish paying for our properties the reality dawns and that is; we still through our council tax are only ever renting our paid up castles. Dream on. Corporate UK now burdened by the stupidity of the banks who incidentally fund the conservative party, as if they want to go up against their paymasters, is in a fiscal mess austere mess. Small business are stifled by faceless processes and draconian decisions, good companies are bleed to death throughout their successes as they are unable to expand as order books expand. I recently came across a developer who had build a substantial property valued at $3M almost all of which was self funded that is apart from $150k to complete this ambitious project. On approaching the banks they granted him a $150K mortgage payable only upon completion. But they would not fund the $150K to complete Im sorry but how absurd is that! We are now trapped by faceless corporations over which governments of this world have no control. The world is no longer full of opportunity it is full of absurdity that is....... Check back for the continuation of this story... luxury villas in Seminyak
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