If you are keen to bring that special Italian touch to your Christmas celebrations this year, think of Torrone! This traditional Italian Christmas sweet is considered to be one of the oldest and most traditional ones made from egg white , honey and sugar, with a generous stuffing of almonds, peanuts and hazelnuts ! Torrone is traditionally available in two basic forms – soft and hard . These variants of the torrone are driven by a number of factors, the foremost of them being the degree to which the dough is cooked. The softer version takes about 2 hours to be cooked while the harder variation is often cooked for as long as 12 hours. What also defines the texture of the torrone is the composition mix of the ingredients that goes into its making – primarily honey and sugar syrup. The different stuffing like almonds or hazelnuts also characterises the types of torrone. A version of this Italian Christmas sweet also contains cocoa, which is a typical favourite for the avid chocolate lovers. Torrone, in all its forms is a very popularly consumed product all over Italy. However, the ones made in Sardinia, Calabria, Sicily and Abruzzo are considered to be the best ones. Cremona and Benevento are considered to be the most popular production zones where the tradition dates back to 1892. The torrone produced across the different Italian regions all have their signature textures and tastes. The Sardinian versions are unique in their strong taste characterized with the use of honey and their ivory complexion, while the Sicilian variants contain the signature green pistachio, yellow honey and white almonds. Torrone is best enjoyed after lunch and dinner on Christmas Day, until the early days of January. Considering its popularity as a Christmas sweet during the seasonal period, it is widely available across Italy during these times. However, if you are located outside Italy, you need to look for an authentic source of this Christmas delicacy that can bring an Italian touch to your Christmas celebrations. We are often pressed for time considering the last minute Christmas shopping, making it all the more difficult for us to go down to Italian delis to source our share of traditional Italian Christmas sweets. So it would make it extremely convenient for us to find an authentic source of these traditional Christmas sweets online. In fact there are a number of online Italian delis that offer a whole range of traditional Italian products. These Italian delis offer a whole range of traditional Italian Christmas products which include panettone, pandoro, torrone and others. Considering that you have done some research online regarding the product authenticity and delivery credibility of these online retailers, you are just a click away from adding torrone to your Christmas celebrations! If you are in London and looking for the best quality torrone, you must visit www.nifeislife.com . This online deli offers more than 800 authentic Italian products that include Italian christmas hampers, cheese, ham, pasta, sauces just to name a few at the most affordable prices!
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