When most people hear the term "radiation levels" they immediately go into a panic. This is due to the fact that radiation is known to have harmful effects on both the environment and to people who come into contact with large quantities of it. This fear is mostly generated from movies, television shows, and news media. However, based the number of agencies around the world that deal with elements that result in radiation, it should be noted that radiation based disasters are few-and-far-between. A Geiger counter is a highly technological device that has been designed to actually measure ionizing radiation. In short, this device can determine radiation levels in any given area to determine if these radiation levels are safe for the environment and more importantly for people. This device is also known as a Geiger-Muller counter. The Geiger counter was first created in 1908, but has advanced over the years in quality. It is a simple device that can be created with electronic circuits. Based on the quality and type of Geiger counter that is used, various degrees of radiation levels can be determined. This device is so effective at doing what it is designed to do that is used by all types of organizations including health agencies, geology agencies, and even industry agencies that deal with or work with elements that result in radiation. As stated before radiation can be harmful. That is why a Geiger counter may be used to determine radiation levels in any given environment. If ionizing radiation levels are high in a populated area it can result in long term birth defects or even cancer. When most people think of harmful radiation levels their minds will immediately jump to the Chernobyl disaster. This disaster has been studied for years and has shown the world exactly how harmful that radiation can be when considered in the long term. It has been estimated that nearly 2,000 cases of thyroid based cancers have been discovered in the area. Most of these cancers were discovered in younger children. However, according to popular belief, these cancers are direct consequences of the radiation meltdown that took place at Chernobyl. A Geiger counter, when used in this area will still to this day detect various radiation levels. This goes to show how long term that radiation can affect the environment and those that reside within it when radiation is not regulated or controlled properly. This is why all necessary precautions must be taken when radiation of any type will become a factor. In fact, this is why there are so many strict regulations in place when it comes to agencies who make use of power that produces radiation to any degree. As Science further develops and as more and more companies and institutions make use of nuclear power or other elements that can result in radiation, the Geiger counter will likewise evolve and become more effective and powerful at determining levels of radiation in any given area. This is good news for the entire world at large. For in-depth information on how radiation levels can affect the environment, you should turn to the reliable and trusted resource of Radiation Articles. They can provide you with information on the Geiger counter and how it can be used to expose these radiation levels.
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