Learn how the weight of myomas can decide the number of them. Determining which myomectomy code you'll report rests on three factors: the method the ob-gyn uses, the figure of myomas, and their weight. Read this expert ob-gyn coding insight and get the correct ob-gyn CPT code every time. Watch out: In case your ob-gyn carries out a hysterectomy, you won't report the myomectomy distinctly. Examine Myomas and Their Kinds When your ob-gyn executes a myomectomy, he is eradicating myomas or uterine fibroid tumors. If you know what type they are, it will help you to decide on your myomectomy code. What they are: Myomas (also called uterine fibromas) are the most general growth of the female genital tract. They are round, well-founded, benign masses of the muscular wall of the uterus and are having smooth muscle and connective tissue. You'll find several types of uterine fibroids based on where they are located: Intracavitary myomas are fibroids located inside the uterus. Submucous myomas are partly located in the uterine cavity and partly in the wall of the uterus. Subserous myomas are located on the external wall of the uterus. Intramural myomas are located in the wall of the uterus; their size can be from microscopic to bigger than a grapefruit. Pedunculated myomas are linked to the uterus through a stalk and are located in the uterine cavity or on the external surface. Myomas frequently lead to or exist with abnormal uterine bleeding, pressure or pain. They are also one of the most common causes women in their 30s or 40s have hysterectomies. Differentiate 2 Abdominal Myomectomy Codes Firstly, examine the abdominal approach. In case the ob-gyn executes an abdominal myomectomy, he surgically does away with the myoma from the uterus via an incision in the abdomen. For this procedure, you'll report either 58140 (Myomectomy, excision of fibroid tumor[s] of uterus, 1 to 4 intramural myoma[s] with total weight of 250 grams or less and/or removal of surface myomas; abdominal approach) or 58146 (Myomectomy, excision of fibroid tumor[s] of uterus, 5 or more intramural myomas and/or intramural myomas with total weight greater than 250 grams; abdominal approach). Catch this: These codes distinguish between the number of myomas (58140 for one to four; 58146 for five or more) and the entire weight of intramural myomas (58140 for total weight of 250 grams or less; 58146 for total weight more than 250 grams). Remember the Vaginal Myomectomy Next, a vaginal approach simply means an individual code. You'll report 58145 (Myomectomy, excision of fibroid tumor[s] of uterus, 1 to 4 intramural myoma[s] including entire weight of 250 grams or less and/or removal of surface myomas; vaginal approach) for a myomectomy through a vaginal approach. Want to have more expert ob-gyn coding and billing and know everything about ob-gyn CPT codes? Click here to read the entire article and to get access to our monthly Ob-Gyn Coding Alert: Your practical adviser for ethically optimizing ob-gyn coding and billing, payment and gaining expertise on Ob-gyn CPT codes Read more to perfect your ob-gyn coding and billing: http://www.supercoder.com/articles/articles-alerts/oca/gynecology-58140-58146-anatomical-location-is-key-for-myomectomy-claims/
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