IPad 2 has been around for a period now. Released last April the device followed on from the extremely successful original Apple iPad. Initially the device was seen as having no particular use; however it has moved with speed towards a number of utilisations and has become a hugely popular device across the globe. The device is one of those status pieces of technology like the iPod and is one of those things you always are curious of when you see it in a public domain. It is the essence of a gadget and for many would make one of the greatest Christmas gifts ever received. So, what does it do and what are the specs? Processor Well the iPad 2 famously runs on a dual core processor, making it a severely powerful device that when released whipped the original iPad and anything that came near its wake. The Ipad is an extremely popular device and it has defined the way that tablet devices look and was the first of many to follow. Its aluminium body and minimalist styling as well as its range of colours mean style and it is one of the ultimate gifts for men, especially for Christmas or a birthday. The iPad 2 comes in a number of versions, including in 16GB, 32GB and 64GB options, which can be both interchanged with either a Wi-Fi only or a 3G and Wi-Fi version. This also means there is a variation in the price you will pay for one of these devices, with the Wi-Fi only 16GB version being the least costly and the 64GB 3G version obviously the most expensive with the other options fitting into price ranges in between. Screen Apple has given the iPad a 9.7 inch screen, making it ideal for both browsing and also watching footage on the move, as well as downloading and reading papers, magazines and books from. This screen is a HD one and offers amazing image quality on screen. The brightness and the range of colours put the iPad 2 far ahead of other tablet computers from other Android and Windows rival companies. Aesthetics You would imagine having to hold something of this size in your hand for a period would be tiring, but not the iPad 2. The device is extremely light for its size and weighs in at 600g. It is also extremely compact as regards its dimensions and is a nearly unbelievable 8.8mm deep; making it slimmer than the iPhone 4 – amazing considering the power of this tablet computer is something akin to desktops of only a number of years ago. The capacitive touch screen is one of the best on the market and there is a certain satisfaction you get from touching it when you compare it to other tablets and other touch screens. Objects on the screen can also be moved through the use of gyro meters and accelerometers. This means that when playing a driving computer game you can turn your iPad as a steering wheel only to see the car onscreen make the same movement – amazing. OS The device can be used with a huge number of orientated applications – unlike with Android tablets which have only a few for their Android 3.0 tablet orientated operating system. The Apple IOS bears similarity to the IOS 4 on the iPhone, which is in no way a bad thing as the OS is very impressive and tidy and we really loved using it on either device. The iPad 2 also comes with a 5mp camera at the back which is capable of 720p recording and a VGA camera on the front which is great for video calling and conference calling. These two cameras are vastly improved on the previous iPad. User Friendly The iPad is capable of doing nearly anything your computer can do and its range of applications means it is easier and more user friendly than any PC and even Macs. The intuitive touch screen and the wonderfully designed construction of the tablet device have put it to the fore. Even though the iPad has dozens of competitors, some far cheaper, it still holds 73 per cent of the tablet market – that alone should be testament to its excellence. ABOUT THE AUTHOR: The Article is written by Cormac Reynolds at www.5hop5.ie providing IPad2 Promo Codes. Visit http://www.5hop5.ie for more information on www.5hop5.ie Products & Services. Copyright information This article is free for reproduction but must be reproduced in its entirety, including live links & this copyright statement must be included. Visit www.5hop5.ie before you shop.
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