The symptoms of children with ADHD may continue to manifest even as they enter adolescence. To some, if left untreated will eventually be carried out until adulthood. Those with predominantly inattentive symptoms are commonly to experience such manifestation of symptoms. This is for the reason that they are not essentially disturbing or disruptive at home or even in school. For these children, ADHD becomes more obvious especially as they grow and their academic level and responsibilities increases. To teens with ADHD, these years are challenging and difficult for them to deal with. The hyperactivity of the child usually decreases as the child ages. However, to teens with ADHD that continues this hyperactive behavior may undergo restlessness and would try to do many things on one occasion or at once. They would choose to do a responsibility or activities that they can do in a lesser time possible rather than doing things that would take too much effort and time that would just delay their rewards. The teenagers that are at school usually struggle or put great effort a lot with the activities they do wherein they are more expected to be independent. Now in terms of their health issues, to children with ADHD , it's the parent's responsibility to ensure that proper nutrition is given to them. There would also be more control over them in this matter. However to teens going to adolescence with ADHD, they much likely choose to do it their own. With this, the problem usually is that the parents will have no control over them and will have difficulty in sticking with the treatment. So in order for their health and treatment to be followed and continued, as a parent, give them rules that are precise and they can understand easily. Always include that they must eat nutritious food and proper diet. You can help them as well to become organize at the same time helping them with their needs. You can post some list in the kitchen or in their room about the responsibilities that they are ought to do. Provide a space on the list wherein you can put check if such task was completed. We can't deny the fact that teens with ADHD will eventually do mistakes. In this case, you have to be sure that you are calm as much as possible. The punishment over a certain error should be used rarely because these teens with ADHD usually have trouble in controlling their tempers. You can give them a short time out or grounding them in a short period of time. In every rule you give, give corresponding reasons about it. In cases that your ADHD teenager want to drive, go out with friends later than the curfew given, make sure that you listen to their plea but be certain as well that you give rules and safety instructions with it. These set of rules must be precise, clear to allow your teen to understand it better. As your ADHD teenager grows, make sure that the medication and treatment plan is still according to the doctor's advice. For more transforming strategies for ADHD, visit
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